Chapter 40: Strange Tidings (Jordan's Perspective)

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I drove around until we agreed on a little place called, The Black Bear Diner. It was country themed and obviously bear themed. It was cute. I've been trying to think of questions to ask Monica but I completely blanked out. I wanted to ask her about how she's been doing, what's new, that sort of thing but she threw me off this morning. I don't know if I can be that calm with her. I'm trying my hardest, I really am but it's hard. I'm not used to this sort of thing. She's just pissing me off, you know?! Oh, and we're going out tonight, too? Dan's not with me, so I really have to watch what's happening. Knowing her and how she acted, she's going to want to drink, unless she's changed that too.

"Jordan Greyson Quintel. Look at you." Monica said interrupting my thoughts.

"Let's not, you said this last night." I took a bite of my sandwich, so I didn't have to talk as much. I can feel the anger building up inside and this place is family-oriented so that would be a horrible outcome, if you ask me.

"Come on, seriously. You're hot! That guy you got-" I stopped her, it wouldn't have bothered me but I wanted her to actually use his name instead of 'that guy'.

"He has a name. It's Dan."

"Yeah, Dan. Isn't he a lucky guy? He's cute, what'd you do to get him?"

"Nothing! Absolutely nothing! Why?" I raised my eyebrow at her, confused at what she was trying to imply.

"No reason, just wondering. So, two months, that's impressive."

"It's almost been a year for you."

"Yeah, but that'll end soon. He's lost interest in me, I can tell. I think it's the age difference. Do you have an age difference with Dan?" She said it like there was nothing to it. There's obviously something there that concerns me. I haven't heard anything about them breaking up. He seemed all protective this morning... The sort of he said makes so much sense now.

"He's 4 years older than me but what's this with my brother?" I said, trying to go back to the subject.

"He didn't tell you? I would've assumed he did. We just don't talk like we used to, you know?"

"No, I don't know. I have no clue what you're talking about."

"Like with you and Todd. Remember Todd? He lives in my apartment complex." My memories of high school came flooding back. I was a senior and Todd was one of the few friends I hung out with. I didn't hang out with Monica much since our schedules were so off with her being a freshman but she was occasionally there. I had gained a small crush on Todd but was too much of a wuss to do anything about it. My friends would say he liked me back, but I never believed them. He ended up asking me out and of course I agreed. It was that typical honeymoon phase but I still liked him. He had lost interest in me but would continue to date me. I was pretty much used by the end of our relationship. He was the first guy I had ever loved, like actually loved and used that word with but it was useless in the end. Of course, I'd remember Todd.

"Oh, yeah I remember Todd. That's nice, I guess." My thoughts disappeared and I just wanted to wake up from this weird dream where everything I had known was coming back together but I wasn't dreaming. I just bit my tongue. That hurt like a bitch, and I'm still here so I'm not dreaming.

"Yeah, he's not the same now. Well, I guess none of us are." She awkwardly chuckled.

"Yeah, look at you, all in your designer crap." I montioned to her.

"I can't believe you're wearing that though. Aren't you hot? You're wearing long-sleeved flannel and jeans! I'd be dying."

"It's easy cause if I get hot, I can take off the flannel and wrap it around my waist like earlier."

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