Final Chapter: By Your Side

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The date? November 17th, 2017

The weather? Cloudy, High of 75 degrees Fahrenheit.

How am I feeling? Fine. Nervous. Happy. Sad. Everything under the sun basically. Today is the day. The day I've been waiting for a long time. A day that should've already passed. I look over at the clock constantly, only half a minute passes each time, it feels like it gets slower each time. It's supposed to be my day, everything is to my liking and my friends are by my side, the person missing is Danny but that's normal for today, I won't see him until later, that makes sense.

"Jordan, it's time for your makeup." Suzy said running into the room with a little box full of makeup.

"Okay, I'm ready." I sighed. I sat still while she put it on.

"What's wrong?" She asked. She looked worried. "Today's a happy day and you seem sad."

"It's a day where my life changes. Sure my life has changed drastically in the past couple of years but it's an official change now. I'm not exactly sad but nostalgic, I can't believe it's finally here." I replied. I keep thinking about past memories. Will I be able to keep Danny happy? That's what worries me. I think it's a thought that worries everyone at one point in a relationship.

"It's perfectly fine to be nostalgic, just remember to smile when we take pictures though, girly. While being nostalgic just think of all the new memories Dan and you will create!"

I am very thankful Suzy agreed to be my Maid of Honour, I don't think I would survive without her by my side.
I look over at the clock and it's finally changed, 10:45 a.m., the wedding starts at 12:00 p.m., I wish it was already here.

After my makeup there was a frantic last minute rush to make sure everything was in place, that my dress, hair and makeup was perfect. I just sat there since Suzy forbid me from helping out until the clock finally read "11:30 a.m." I think a true smile finally found its way to my lips as I started making my way to the altar. I tried to look around to find Dan but Arin told me he was already inside, waiting for the ceremony to start. It's been a week since I've seen Dan in person, this wasn't necessarily the provisions we put but last minute work has left us so busy we couldn't spend time together. He was at the office when I was working at home and when I left to go film outside of home or visit at the office was the time he would be home. It was a mess and texts and calls weren't enough to try to coordinate the mess. It's alright though, it's made the suspense greatly appreciated. I can't wait another 30 minutes to see him but I know I can.

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"Let's renovate the house. Truly make it ours cause technically this is all my shit." I said, laying on Dan while watching a marathon of an HGTV show.

"Why? Does our time painting this mean nothing to you?" He gasped jokingly.

"It does but Dan, really, we're getting married in six months, I think we should also change up this to mark a new start."

"Alright, I get it. Sure let's do it. Will that make our honeymoon longer then since we have to wait on our house to be renovated?" He raised an eyebrow at me before starting to attack me with kisses.

"Dan, stop! You're so childish!" I said through laughter.

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"Jordan, 20 more minutes until the ceremony starts." Suzy said walking past me as she was busy making sure everything was a-okay.

"Good." I smiled. I wanted to jump up and down in excitement but I can't because this dress isn't made for jumping.

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It's Inevitable, We're Meant To Be. (A Danny Sexbang / Avidan fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now