Chapter 38: Viva Las Vegas (Jordan's Perspective)

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"You ready for Vegas?" I asked Dan as I zipped up my bag.

"Hell yes. We're gonna fucking tear that shit up."

"You can, I'm not getting arrested." He laughed.

"Where are we staying?"

"Uh, which ever hotel/casino my brother works at."

"You still don't know?"

"Nope! We'll find out tomorrow!"

"I thought you two were close."

"He's closer to me than I am to him. He likes to keep tabs on me."

"Makes so much more sense now. I'm going to grab us lunch."

"Keys are on the dining room table." As soon as the door shut, my phone went off. I thought it was Dan for some strange reason but it was Leslie.

"Hey, so you ready for what I just learned?" She said as soon as I answered.

"Hello to you too. Yes, please share."

"Remember Monica O'Brien?"

"Yeah of course! She was my best friend in high school. She also introduced us."

There was a brief silence and then the lightbulb went off in Leslie's head. "Oh right! Anyways, she's dating your brother."

"And how do you know this?"

"Facebook. They changed their statuses. It's like so official now." I could literally hear the careful hairflip and Gucci handbag through that sentence.

"What? No. It doesn't work that way. It's not official until she meets my parents and me. I'm going tomorrow so it's not official, my parents will still have to meet her.

"Oh no, it's official with your say or not. Listen to this," She cleared her throat. "I'm so very glad that my son has the sweetest girlfriend, he could ever ask for. I'm so glad they've stuck together for so long. I hope one day, she can be my lovely daughter-in-law. You're definitely a part of this family, Miss Monica.' That's it, that's the whole post. You really should get a Facebook. Maybe she wouldn't post this kind of thing, you had one."

"Are you serious?! When did the meet her? They've only been dating for 6 months! That's not that long!"

"Oh and going on two months is?"

"I'm not the center of attention right now! Monica and James are!"

"Like oh my fucking God! Stacey, you would not believe what James and Monica did!" Dan said with the weirdest valley girl impression I've heard as he walked in with a bag from a local burger joint.

"There's something wrong with you, I swear."

"What's happening?" Leslie asked as I put her on speaker phone.

"Dan's home. He's doing a stupid valley girl voice."

"Oh... Hi Danny!" Leslie perked up.

"Hi, Leslie. I'm glad you two are talking again. Scoot over, here eat this. So tell me what's going on? I deserve to know too. Is it the same James like your brother or Leslie's new love interest?"

"He is cute. Oh what about that guy you play online video games with? He's cute! His voice, wow. He has a really deep voice." Leslie melted away at the end of that sentence.

"No, you're getting off topic! That is my brother and he's a snot-nosed kid. Besides, you're not Mark's type."

"He's older than you. Why are you calling him a kid?" Leslie interjected.

It's Inevitable, We're Meant To Be. (A Danny Sexbang / Avidan fanfiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant