Chapter 45: Tomorrow Comes Today (Jordan's Perspective)

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[BIG SPECIAL THANKS to PsychicSeance  for helping me out majorly for your reading pleasure! Much love to you! <3]

Today's the day. Time to record. Dan woke me up early but I haven't really budged.

"Get up!" He said, trying to get the blankets off the bed. I did get up and get dressed when he wasn't paying any attention, but now I just don't want to get back up. "Seriously, Jo! Brian has physicist things to do! He doesn't have time for this bullshit."

"Fine." I threw the covers off of me, and walked downstairs. I don't feel all that well but it's probably just the nerves racking up inside me. I just want to sleep. I severely regret saying yes to them. What was I thinking?!

"You excited? It's your time to shine!" Dan said, coming down the stairs.

"I'm so ecstatic for it, I forgot how to smile."

"Don't be fucking lame, let's go." I feel like the car ride was quieter than usual. Possibly because of the fact that I was falling asleep from time to time. "Hey, sleeping beauty, we're here. Do you wanna coffee?"

"Yes, please." Dan walked me up to where we were recording. I saw Arin and sat on the couch next to him. Dan gave me a thumbs up and left to get coffee. "Morning, Hanson." I greeted Arin. He was going over his lyrics for the song.

"Morning, you have a long night?" He asked. I probably look like i'm half-dead from my exhaustion and no makeup to make it look like i'm alive and not pale as fuck.

"Not really, I don't understand why I'm so tired."

"Well, I hope you perk up before you record. I don't you embarrassing yourself."

"By yourself you mean, you."

"And that, too but I really meant you. I'm up, I'll see you on the flip-flop."

"Don't say that." I grumbled, that is probably one of the most ridiculous ways to say laters.

"The flippiest flop that ever flopped on the flip!"

"What was that about?" Dan said as he walked in.

"I told Arin not to say flip-flop and now he's gone too far." I grabbed the coffee from Dan's hand and held it close to me to stay warm. I felt really cold all of a sudden.

"I'm going to write you a song, Jordan. I call it Flip-Flop, it's influenced by hip-hop." My face quickly changed but trying to stay mad at Arin is impossible. Dan went up to Brian and they started whispering. I would notice Dan look back at me but once I caught him looking, he would look away.

"Jordan, you're up." Brian said. Shit, I'm extremely nervous and completely dreading this. Dan set me up in the booth and I was ready to go. I was taking deep breaths and I kept clearing my throat.

"You ready?" Brian asked me. Internally, I was not in a any way ready.

"I guess so." The music started playing but there was something off... There was already somebody singing. The look on their faces could only be described as Beavis and Butthead trying not to laugh in sex ed. The music stopped and the guys chimed in:

"TA-DA! You're not gonna fucking sing!"

"You're shitting me! For real?" I squealed with excitement.

"Yeah, for real. I'm not that mean of a friend." Arin chuckled.

"Oh, thank god but you guys are still jerks, I was on the verge of a panic attack, like no joke."

"Why do you think we didn't go through with it? You didn't want to, we're not gonna force you to do it and sell it, it doesn't work that way." Brian explained. Maybe he was the one to convince them to not let me do it.

"Thank god, it doesn't work that way. Can I come out now?" They all nodded their heads yes, and I walked out, immediately laying on the couch.

I heard faint voices after awhile. I couldn't really tell because I was trying to drown them out with my thoughts but I think it was Brian and Dan.

"You sure you got her?"

"Yeah, don't worry about it, man." The door closed and I felt someone lift up my legs and plop them back down. "Jordan, I know you're awake." I grumbled. "Come on, let's go home. Get some proper rest, you sick little thing."

"How long was I asleep?" I finally said. Feels like it's been hours.

"An hour and a half."

"Why didn't you wake me up?"

"Arin thought you were sick. You're burning up, it would explain why you're so tired."

"I thought it was just nerves."

"You thought wrong. Come on, let's go home." I dragged to the car with Dan's jacket draped over my shoulders. Once we got home, I went straight to bed. I heard clunking coming from the kitchen which means Dan's cooking something. I put it on The Rocky Horror Picture Show as I changed into pajamas and put my hair up. About 20 minutes into the movie, Dan walks in with a baking pan (because I don't own a breakfast-in-bed tray) filled with ramen noodles, Chicken In A Biscuit crackers, and tea. "We didn't have proper soup cause someone lives on a college diet, so this will have to suffice."

"This is more than enough, thank you, sweetie."

"You're welcome, milady. You know it's probably because you've been working your ass off."

"What is?

'You getting sick. Maybe you should take a break."

"But I still have to edit videos-"

"You're like two weeks ahead, you need a break. I'll try to edit some of your videos but you really need to rest and come back down to humanity. Once you get over whatever you're down with, just hang out." He had a point, I've been making sure I was on track no matter what. I don't think I truly have "hung out" with anyone in a while. I just didn't want to disappear off the grid again without warning like when I first met Danny.

"You're right, I do and you don't have to edit those videos. When I'm well, those will be taken care of."

"Good," He kissed my forehead. "Now, eat, drink and get some rest. It might be fun to see but I don't need you doing the Time Warp right now."

It's Inevitable, We're Meant To Be. (A Danny Sexbang / Avidan fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora