Chapter 33: You've Got A Friend In Me (Jordan's Perspective)

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I had a decent amount of sleep until Suzy knocked on my door telling me to wake up. There was no sun shining in my room so I looked at the time on my phone. Shit, it's too early. It's 6 in the morning, why am I getting up this early? I got ready to the best of my advantage, luckliy I planned beforehand cause i'm still half asleep. I fell asleep at like 12. I walked out my door, went downstairs and Suzy was putting on her makeup.

"You up and ready to go?"

"I'm ready but I'm not up."

"Yeah, why are getting up so early? We usually don't get up this early." Barry said coming downstairs, and you could tell he was half asleep.

"We got the Magic Morning passes, so we have to be up early. Plus I don't want to deal with LA traffic but we're still going to have to deal with it." Suzy explained, whining at the end.

"Can we get some coffee at least?"

"Yeah, I second that." I said while Barry gave me a high five.

"Definitely, we'll have some time to kill." Arin said as he walked into the room.

"What's Magic Morning anyway?"

"You get into the park an hour earlier than the opening time to the public." Arin explained.

"Okay, good to know."

"Alright, are we all ready now?" Suzy asked.


We all got into Suzy and Arin's car, them in front, Barry and I in the back. We stopped at a little gas station near my house, got coffee, some snacks, and a lot of water.

"Before we officially take off, I want to take a picture of all of us." Suzy said pulling out her phone. We all squeezed in so we all fit in the picture.

"I like it, today's gonna be a good day."

"Yeah, it sure seems like it. What ride are we going to first?" I asked.

"We'll try to hit up the busy ones since they won't be as busy."Suzy answered. I nodded and watched the slow moving traffic as Barry and Arin argued about video games. It took us no longer than 40 minutes to get there. We pulled into a parking lot, two blocks away from Disneyland. As we got closer, the feels started catching up with me. I could still remember like it was yesterday not wanting to go, yet loving it when we left. It's a lot bigger and colourful than I remember.

"Can we ride Pirates of The Caribbean first please, that was one of my favourites." I said once we officially got through the gates and had our bags checked.

"Yeah! Then we'll do the Haunted Mansion."

"Then Indiana Jones."

"Man, why am I last?" Barry whined.

"Don't complain, just pick a ride." I said.

"Fine, the Cars ride in California Adventure."

"It's settled and if we have time, we'll try to go to Splash and Space Mountain before the lines get along." Suzy said and we took off on our little adventure.

"Woah, I feel like a little kid again." I said following Suzy and Arin, I lagged behind with Barry.

"You came here as a kid?" Barry asked with genuine curiousity.

"Well, a stupid teenager but it's still a kid."

"Why a stupid teenager?" He questioned me.

"I just was. I didn't do the smartest things during those years, so I didn't fully appreciate Disney till after I left."

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