Chapter 7: Paint It Black (Jordan's Perspective)

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I set everything up so it's quick and easy. We decided to just do one room at a time, together so the paint doesn't dry up right away. The only thing is, what room are we painting first? Speaking of which Dan starts talking about it.

"So, I'm thinking we should paint your the office first, then your room, and then the guest room. What do you think?"

"Yeah, I have no problem in what the order is, just as long as we get it done."

"Okay. Hey, what time is it now? I left my phone at Arin's, that's why I keep asking you." It all makes sense now. I thought he was just lazy.

"Oh, um.. It's wow, already 5:30am."

"Damn, time flies when you're having fun."

"Yep. So, uh, I think I should text Suzy, and tell her that we already left."

"Good idea. We don't need frantic phone calls."

"Yeah." I'll text her now. They said they're leaving at around 9am, so I guess it'd be fine if I text her this early:

Me: Hey Suzy, so uh, Dan and I left earlier to my house to make the process faster and so the paint is somewhat dry so we can start decorating. I hope it's not a problem. (5:37am)

"What'd she say?" It's 5 in the morning and I just text her. I highly doubt she's going to answer right away.

"Jesus, Dan. I just texted her. Don't you remember what time it is? I really doubt she's on her phone."

"Yeah, so... You never know she could be getting ready."

"Okay, sure. Whatever. When she texts back, I'll let you know."

"Okay." I start walking to my room and get the paint all set up, while Dan moves the boxes into the hallway.

"You really organize everything don't you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like this, achem, 'Bedroom 1, Posters and figurines. Bedroom 1, Computer accessories, Bedroom 1, Extra Posters and figurines.' There's more but I'm pretty sure you get the point now." Yeah, I do.

"Oh, yeah. I make sure nothing gets mixed up and everything stays where they need to be. If something's in the wrong place I get very OCD. That's why I told you to keep the boxes in the hallway and not in another room." "Oh, I see."

"Yeah, I have problems. You're just going to have to deal with them."

"Seems like it. Should we start painting now?"

"Yeah, we should." So we start painting the room and Dan starts judging my choice of colour for my office.

"This is a really dark blue. Why didn't you just paint it black?"

"Cause I didn't feel like painting it black. I wanted it dark but not super dark."

"Oh. You're very picky, just saying."

"Always have been, always will be."

"Great." He's got a cute smile. No, Jordan, this isn't the time. Stay focused. I continue painting and Dan helps me out. We get the whole room done in about 20 minutes. We head onto to my room. I mixed the paint, got some more brushes, and put the plastic on the floor.

"This room is what, red and black, right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"You need masking tape to make sure the paint doesn't get on the walls that are a different colour. This one might take us longer cause of it. Where's the tape, I'll put it up."

It's Inevitable, We're Meant To Be. (A Danny Sexbang / Avidan fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now