Chapter 26: The City As You Walk (Jordan's Perspective)

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That Peter guy just came and basically sat on Dan's lap. That's how much room there pretty much is, just to give you a visual. They carried on with their conversation while I sat there awkwardly. It was your usual catching up conversation. They paid no attention to me, and I was fine with that, until I pulled out my phone and let go of Danny's hand.

"Oh wow, what a douche I am. Jordan, this an old friend of mine, Peter." Peter stuck out his and I politely shook it.

"Is it your dream now?"

"My dream?"

"Skyhill's back together! Well, not back together but like reuinted. You know what I mean."

"You like Skyhill? Where'd you say your from?" Peter said like an excited child.

"Yeah, I love Skyhill! I thought you guys were creative geniuses. I'm from Chicago, but it doesn't refrain me from finding indie bands from anywhere."

"Wow. When you met Dan, did you like, what do people call it now? Fangirl?" Peter asked.

"Haha, no. See, I never knew what y'all looked liked or even your names, so when Dan said that he was in Skyhill it took me a minute to put it together."

"Daniel, she's a catch."

"Ehh, she has her moments." I nudged him and he just laughed.

"So where you guys headed? What happened to your car?" Peter changed the subject.

"Gave it to Brian. Oh I didn't tell you! I'm actually moving to the Los Angeles area. Got a business venture and it's with good friends, so I think it'll be a good change, plus I'll get to see her more often. And it's a surprise for Jordan."

"I have a love, hate relationship with surprises."

"Me too!" Peter laughed, "But if I know Dan well and you come off as a woman with fantastic musical taste hense your phone case," I looked down at my case, it was The Ramones signature logo. "I think I know exactly where Danny boys gonna take you." Peter finished saying.

"You should tell me, cause i'm still clueless."

"Pete, you shouldn't tell her."

"Can I give her a hint?"

"I didn't even tell you where!"

"Tell me and watch me be right, Avidan." Dan looked at me and then looked back at Peter.

"You better not listen."

"Fine." I said as Dan whispered something into Peter's ear and Peter got a huge smile on his face.

"HA! You owe me 5 bucks, I was right."

"I don't owe you shit, we never shook on it."

"Or did we?" Peter put out his hand for Dan to shake and he just laughs.

"Anyways, Jordan. Think music, maybe you'll figure it out or maybe you won't but just think music."

"Like a music store?"

"Stay on that track!"

"You're giving away too much!"

"No he's giving away the right amount."

"Looks like our ride has come to a stop. Danny boy, it was awesome catching up. We should try to do this more often. Jordan, it was a pleasure meeting you. Keep him in check, make sure he doesn't do anything he'll regret." He came in for a hug. How sweet.

"You too Peter! I will." He gave Dan a bro hug and we went our seperate ways.

"So music?"

"Yes, music."

It's Inevitable, We're Meant To Be. (A Danny Sexbang / Avidan fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now