Stone and glass hearts

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I this Story idea so...

And after reading...guess who's Checkered and why your think so.




"Institution for difficult Teenagers."

The prettiest and most Google translate accurate description Michael ever read on the brochure.

He held the shimmering folded paper tight as he looked out the window of his parents car.

The institution actually had a name which stood on the paper too.

It was called San Magrethen and Michael got sent there from the court because he did some shit that was again the law of the state Minnesota.

Michael got bored so he kicked his feet against the seat in front of him but his mother turned around immediately and gave him a dead stare.

He lifted his arms like he did when the cops pointed guns at him and he stroked his ash grey hair.

"You know how it works." she mumbled and pointed on the ground to Michaels ankle cuff.

He slowly nodded and continued to stare out of the window while the Radio was playing some south state country music.

Karen was exhausted and Michael knew it.

He knew that his mom was his only and last supporter but after he shoplifted a few times too many even she gave him up and let the court send her only child to San Magrethen.

After another few hours of driving the car stopped but Michael stayed in his seat till his mom opens the door from the outside.

Parental control.

He rolled his eyes and stepped out of the car, got his suitcase.

He didn't even closed the car door completly when his mother told his father to drive off.

So he stood there, lost on the forecourt of a tall building which actually looked like a castle.

But Michael wasn't alone for too long cause pretty soon two people stepped out of the big door, came closer and closer to him, both always in perfect sync.

"Hey." they said and stopped a few steps away from Michael.

Everything they did was in sync all the time even when they reached their hands out for a handshake.

"Would you like to bring our new mates suitcase in while I show him around?" the girl asked, looking to the boy.

"Sure. Have fun."

The girl turned back to Michael. "Perfect. I'm Roxie and that's my twin brother Zet. But if you don't like punches in the face call him Maniac."

Her brother nodded before grabbing the holds of Michaels suitcase and left.

"So. You're Michael. We need a cool nickname for you too. But anyways, follow me."

She was already walking away from Michael when she started talking.


Michael was exhausted when a hysterical bell woke him up from his nap.

It was not even 6 am in the morning so he hesitated if he should turn around and sleep again but somehow the alarm didn't stop.

So Michael just got up and dressed before taking his bathroom stuff with him and unlocked the door to almost getting punched in the chest by Roxie.

"Oh, you're already up. I thought you need longer. See you later."

Before Michael even had the chance to ask her where the boys bathroom was or bathroom in general she was already gone.

So because he had not other choice he just followed the tired looking stream of boys.

Their destination was actually the boys bathroom so Michael happily took out his toothbrush and started the morning hygiene till someone grabbed the back of his head and yanked him in the floor.

"What are you doing on my sink?"

"I didn't know it was your sink. But I couldn't find your stupid name on it."

"You stupid cunt!" he yelled and grabbed Michael by his shirt collar and dragged him on his feet to straight forward punch him in the face.

Michaels head shoot back while a pulsing pain spread across his face but his fist met the strangers face too.

"Sergeant! What the fuck!"

Michael recognized the voice as the one from Roxie's twin brother.

The pulsating pain in his face concentrated on his to right eye and Cheekbone.

Maniac managed to get the stranger off Michael so he fell back on the floor.

Another boy helped him up, a small twink looking one which made Michael laugh a little bit.


The ankle cuff was dangling around without use because he principal had to deactivate it so Michael was able to leave the school ground further than 5 miles without the cops being called.

Actually he was escorted by the school nurse to the hospital because his right eye started to bleed while he had classes.

The boy who was sitting next to him - a tall lanky dude with blond frizzy hair that were supposed to look like something but he just gave em up and they were hanging around his head, blocking the view to his face- noticed it and brought him to the nurses office.

When he returned to school he got escorted to the principal again so his secretary could reactivate the ankle cuff again.

Michael was just tired from the journey he had to go through, tired from the visit in the hospital and from being temporarily blind on one of his eyes so he went to his room.

After unlocked the door he had to discover the collection of people in his privacy.

Roxie was sitting on his bed, her feet resting on the shoulders of the dude who punshed him, right next to him on the floor was Maniac sitting and the lanky blond was standing very uncomfy in the middle part of the room.

"Finally! You're back." Roxie yelled and got up to inspect the band Aid over Michaels right eye.

"David McGallerhead!"

The Sergeant looked at her with confusion.

"Get your ass here right now and apologize."

He rolled his eyes and got up. "Sorry bud. I shouldn't have punshed that hard."

Michael shrugged his shoulders. "s fine."

Roxie turned to "David" and gave him a kiss. "Good job babe."

Michaels jaw literally dropped as he looked to Maniac.

He just looked away, not facing his twin sister and shrugged his shoulders.

At some point Roxie just pushed him away and turned back to Michael, smiling at him.

"So, Checkered already told me that it was him who convinced Mister Hampton that it's not natural when a student bleed out of their eyes."

"Who?" Michael asked and then followed Roxie's finger pointing at the lanky blond.

"He's Checkered."

Michael didn't even attempt to ask so he just said thanks to him and then kicked them out of his room to finally go to bed.

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