I wish I were heather

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Highly inspired by Conan Gray's Heather. So you can listen to it while reading and find some similarities between it and my Os.

Happy birthday Ashton!!🎉❤️❤️


Luke layed in his bunk and starred at the ceiling.

The LED lights on the wall shined in a pretty green so it looked like he layed in a giant coloured jelly.

Luke would have loved it if there wasn't the female giggles coming from the couch space a few meters down the hall.

Michaels girlfriend.

He pressed his pillow over his ears and closed his eyes, tired to finally sleep to dream being her for the night.

Next morning came to early in Luke's opinion as he opened his eyes.

Someone turned off the jelly colour from the LED stripe so it was dark in his bunk.

He pushed the curtain away and managed himself out of his bed, standing in the bus hallway fully dressed because he slept in his clothes.

The kitchen was empty except of Michael sitting on a chair and eating toast.

“Good morning.“ Luke said, trying to not blush like an idiot.

“Hey Luke. I turned off your lights before we went to sleep, hope it didn't bother you.“ Michael said and smiled at the other ones direction.

“Ohhh...not, thank you.“ he could punch him in the face for his nervousness around his best friend for over 6 years.

Michael wanted to say something but his attention got caught by someone new.

His eyes lighted up more than they did before and his girlfriend hugged him, just wearing a shirt from Michael and for the rest of the bands sake underwear.

Luke turned around and walked out of the kitchen, thirsty and hungry but better that then seeing him being in love.

He made it to Ashton's bunk before he broke down and cried quietly.

The owner of the bunk came out of the little bathroom and hugged him.

“Whats wrong Luke?“ Ashton asked worried.

“I wish I could hate her. But she's an angel and ways prettier than me and his eyes light up when she walks by and she's wearing the shirt he used to give to me.“ Luke spat out quickly and sank more into the hug.

He nearly crushed Ashton with his height and weight but both of them didn't care.

“I hate to say it to you again and again but you need to talk to him. You can't do this to yourself every day.“

“But he's straight. Why would he ever kiss me. He's in love and happy with this girl for god's sake what's her name. And when it means he's happy well than I'm living in hell for that.“ Luke said sad with more tears in his eyes.

“Don't do that...“


The soundcheck was not bad.

At least for three of them.

Luke was happy, because he came to interact with Michael on stage and Calum just did his thing.

But Ashton was hella mad at Luke for being an in love idiot.

He said nothing but Luke knew that his bandmate was mad at him.

But Michaels girlfriend came in before the actual show started.

And suddenly Luke's happiness dropped but he kept his happy face.

He knew not doing would look weird and obvious. And that was something he tried to avoid when it's about Michael.

Looking weird.

When the walked on stage Luke tried to not think about Michael at all but ever song he ever wrote was about the boy he fell in love with so long ago.

He got super excited when he came over to do their guitar sharing thing.

All the bad was away for a second and Luke felt happier with him.

He always was.

Happier with Michael than without him.

The show was over too quickly, especially when he saw Michael hugging his girlfriend backstage with a big smile on his face.

Ashton looked disappointed and Calum was simply sorry for the so in love leadsinger.

Luke sat on the Floor of the stage and waited.

The soundcheck was already over so he probably waited for the show which was supposed to happen in 2 hours.

But he wasn't alone for long.

Soon Michaels girlfriend walked up to him, sat down next to him.
“Hey Luke.“

“Hey.“ he responded, still not knowing her name.

“It's Heather. But not that important because I want you to know that I'm leaving Michael.“ she said and tucked her hair behind her ear.

“Why?“ Luke asked and looked at her, worried about his love.

“I'm not the one he loves. It's hard to admin for me... He talks about you a lot. Michael probably doesn't recognize that. But I do. He talks about how pretty you look in his shirts and it hurts. But fine. I'm leaving today. I wish you good luck with him, don't mess it up.“
She said and smiled at Luke and hugged him.

“I'm sorry... Heather.“

She got up and left, walked down the stairs off the stage.

Luke stayed at his spot, looking at the space where the crowd was supposed to stand when someone sat down next to him again.

This time it was a boy with blond colour in his hair.

“Hey Luke.“

He smiled and looked at Michael. “Hey Mate.“

“You heard it? Heather is gone.“ Michael said and leaned back laying on the floor.

“She said goodbye to me here. Why did she left tho?“

“She left because I told her I like boys.“ Michael sighted and looked at his bandmate. “Because I like you.“

“I like you too Michael.“

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