little bean 2.0

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Gimme some love babes and ask me some questions y'all want to know bout me<3




Luke nearly freaked out when he woke up to someone standing next to the bed but than he remembered that he was currently sleeping over at Michaels place with his daughter.

"Hey Luke. I can't sleep anymore." Aspen whispered and pressed a stuffed animal closer to her chest.

" 's fine. Let's go to your room before your dad wakes up." Luke mumbled, getting out of bed and following the little girl to her room.

She got in bed sat there, looking at Luke like he was the sun.

“Everything okay?“ he asked with a tired smile.

“I had a nightmare but now you're here to protect me like dad does. But he's a little grumpy in the night when I wake him up. I'm always scared that he gets mad at me.“ Aspen said and pressed her stuffed animal against her chest.

Luke moved closer to her and reached out his hands for her to do whatever she wanted with them. “Listen... Aspen. Your Dad will never ever get mad at you when you wake him up for cuddles because of a bad dream. He knows important this is and will never refuse to cuddle you. Okay?“

She nodded and instead of cuddling her Cuddlies or Michael she got up and hugged Luke.

“Come here princess.“ Luke said and secured her while he moved back to lean against the headboard so Aspen could make herself comfortable on his chest.

She slowly fell back asleep same as Luke did.

When Michael woke up the next morning and couldn't finde Luke next to or on top of him he slightly panicked.

He got up and walked into the kitchen, which was empty like the living room.

Before he went totally insane he checked his daughters bedroom and nearly cried because of cuteness.

Luke layed there like a fetus with Aspen in his hold who made herself comfortable like a diva in the strong arms.

Michael couldn't resist to take a picture what he did before going into the kitchen to set up breakfast for his two angels.

When everything was ready he got back to his daughter and boyfriend to carefully shake on their shoulders.

Lukes eyes opened slowly, he got a tired smile when he saw his boyfriend standing infront of him.

“Good morning.“ Michael said and woke his daughter up as well.

“Morning dad.“ she said and sat up to rub over her eyes to get the sleep out of them.

“Morning Asp. Did you kidnapp my boyfriend last night?“ Michael asked and crunched down infront of the bed.

Aspen blushed and nodded. “I had a nightmare and Lukey was the first one who woke up. Sorry dad.“

“It's fine Babygirl. Let's go and eat some breakfast, yeah?“

She jumped out of bed and ran out of her room, leaving Michael and his boyfriend alone in the room.

“Did you sleep well?“

“Like a Queen.“ Luke smiled and kissed Michael before following Aspen into the kitchen.

She sat there like a Goddess on her throne with a pancake hnfront of her, whipping jam on it like there's no tomorrow.

“Aspen. Why are you doing that?“ Michael asked and walked up to her while laughing.

“Cause I love it.“ she pouted and looked upset.

Michael shook his head and sat down with her to cut the pancake in little pieces.

Luke meanwhile sat down on the same spot as he sat yesterday and got himself a pancake, but just poured sirup over it.

Michael did the same and together they ate breakfast like a little family.

When Aspen was done Michael picked her up and excused them to make her ready for kindergarden.  

Luke finished eating and made himself busy by cleaning up the table and placing the plates in the dishwasher like the cutlery.

The pan was already cleaned by Michael so he just dried it with a towel and searched for the right cupboard to put it in.

“Left of the oven on the lowest drawer.“ Michael said behind him.

Luke turned around and saw Aspen in Michaels arms, being dressed up, with her hair braided into two dutch braids.

“Thank you.“ he placed the pan away and dried his hands before walking up to them standing in the kitchen doorframe.

“You look really pretty. But do you want a bit glitter?“

Aspen's eyes light up and she nodded energetic.

Luke hurried up to get his eyeshadow palette and a brush out of his bathroom shelf he had here from stuff Michael took with him now and then.

“Close your eyes.“ he said and popped the lid up, shortly thinking before applying a bright shade of gold to let her eyes sparkle even more.

“Thank you.“ She smiled and after a few minutes the two of them where out the door.

But Michael refused to go without his well deserved kiss from Luke.

When Michael returned back home, without Aspen, he got a apologizing look on his face.
“I'm sorry Luke. I know you got a little short this morning.“

Luke smiled and got up from the couch. “It's fine Mikey. I saw that it was stressful and to be honest, you third wheeled yesterday all the time so I don't really bother.“

Michael smiled and kissed him, Luke was nice enough to lean down a little bit.

“Do you think she likes me?“

Michael laughted out loud so his head fell back. “Hun, she even asked me if we can keep you.“

Luke smiled, still a little bit insecure but after Michael tickled him and gave him a glass of coke he was really happy.

“I'm not telling Aspen.“ he pinkie promised and took a sip from his cup.

At 10 am Michael hat to leave for work with the please to Luke to pick Aspen up from kindergarden at 3 pm.

He even wrote down the address and Name of her kindergarden teachers down so Luke wouldn't get totally busted.

When the time was ready he got out of the flat and walked down into the garage to get into his car.

He actually knew where the kindergarden was, because he looked it up because Sydney had a ton of kindergardens and preschools around.

When he finally arrived he had a few minutes left but he got out of the car and Sawa few other parents standing around all together in little groups.

Luke felt uncomfortable but still smiled and waved to the people who looked at him.

When the doors finally opened and the kids came out in a rush he easily spotted the purple hair who came straight to him. “Luke! What are you doing here?“

He crunched down and smiled. “Michael had to go to work so he gave me the important mission of picking you up. So what should we do right now?“

Aspen smiled brightly. “Can we get ice-cream?“

“Sure we can get that. Let's go!“ Luke yelled and picked her up to open up the car door and help her in the child seat Michael left for him.

“But don't tell your Dad.“ Luke said as he drove off the kindergarden ground.

“Pinky promise.“ Aspen smiled and clapped to the music coming from the radio.

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