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All the held down air escaped from Michaels lungs as he placed his suitcase on his bed.

He haven't entered this room since 3 years now and he felt like being too old for this room.

He graduated a year earlier from high school to have a year off to go to college later after traveling a lot.

Michael missed his room.
But because his College was not in Sidney but in Vancouver he was never at home.

It was too late in his opinion so he just climbed over the suitcase to sleep on the other side of his bed.

Michael was nearly asleep when his floor cracked multiple times.

Once is okay but more is not natural.

He opened his eyes and froze.

Infront of his bed stood a tall human.

As the lights switched on his eyes wide.


'This has to be a dream. Luke was never real. He was just a imaginary friend like all kids had.' Michael thought as he looked at the boy who grew older as well.

His face had more stripes and his arms had more weird signs than last time they saw each other.

Luke smiled sadly and nodded. "Hey Michael."

"You...that can't be real." he said with a shocked expression on his face.

The deamon felt his skin burning as a new sign craved into it, on his fingers but he didn't showed any emotion in his face.

"Where have you been Mikey?"

"I was in Vancouver...why are you still here? I thought you...you can go?"

Luke shook his head with an amused smile. "I live here Michael. I did for so many centuries and my being represents the person living in this room, growing, being and sometimes they die."

Michael made space for his old friend by pushing his suitcase over the edge of his bed.
"You never told me about your skin."

Luke hesitated before he rested his head on Michaels chest. "The lines represent all the Life's I saw and grew with. And the signs show sins they did. Normal sins like lying or deadly sins...like murder. I'm the notebook of hell and heaven."

"Where is my line?" Michael asked and gently traced his hand through the blond hair, accidentally poked his palms at the sharp little horns.

Luke laughted quietly and sat up so rapidly that Michael ripped a few hair out of his lion hair.

"Here. Right on my tummy. You started a new row. I like that fact."

Michael smiled as he heard his friend giggle which was the sweetest sound on earth for him.
"I like that you like it. But what happens when you are full with stripes?"

Luke shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know honestly. It never happened before...or I can't remember it happening. I'm alive for a shitty long period of time so my memory sometimes...it's not the best."

He laid back onto Michaels chest and felt a good feeling tracing down his back.

"What sins did I do?" the coloured haired boy asked with a lovely laugh.

"I can't tell you."


Luke pressed his face into Michaels chest, felt the heartbeat at his forehead.
"Becuase you would not like what I have to say."

"But I like you so it would be okay." Michael confirmed with a smile.

"I know. That's one of your or one of my sins. Another one is...that you like boys in general. And you lie a lot. I can't tell about what but it's a mess with you."

Michael starred at the ceiling. His biggest secret was craved into someone's skin.
"Yeah. I like boys. But I don't think it's a sin."

"Me either but I don't get asked what's a sin and what not." Luke held his mouth shut when he realised that he confirmed his secret in a bit difficult way.

"Is it weird if I kiss you?"

"Definitely, yes."

"Would you mind?" Michael asked.

"Absolutly not, no." Luke said with a smile while sitting up a little bit.

Michael placed his hands on the cheeks of the younger teenager and pulled him closer to finally kiss his love.

I'm in love with this idea of Demon!Luke.

And do you have any requests?

Thanks for your attention...


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