Care of magical creatures

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Good morning fam. How ya doin?

I'm still alive lol and suck in quarantine again cause some students in my class got tested positive for the Rona. I'm negative but until the 24th at home.

Harry potter AU just because I had a dream about it and I'm still addicted to tiktok and I somehow ended up on Dracotiktok lol. (If you're a Gryffindor: I love you, I really do but I needed a bad guy in the story.)




It wasn't dinnertime yet but it was really quiet in the library.

The fire was doing its thing, crickle crackle around while the snowflakes where hitting again the big windows.

Luke loved to sit there with his friends or alone to study.

The Hufflepuff was pretty smart so it was no wonder that most of the Slytherin's came to him when the exams where about to happen.

But now it was about to be winter break and nothing special was about to happen but still he sat in the library on a table with Michael and explained him potions.

Just because Snape was Michaels house teacher didn't meant that he was any better in the subject. 

“C'mon Mikey. It's not that hard. You have to stir to the right side twice and to the left side once. Not that difficult. If you mix like a crazy you'll explode like Finnigan.“ Luke said after explaining the mixture at least a hundred times.

Michael leaned back and rolled his eyes. “You have a easy talk Hemmings. Your mother is a teacher here. So she gets first hand information.“

Luke felt a sharp pain in his chest area as he looked at his hands, fighting with tears.

It wasn't the best feeling when your secret crush for about 5 years is calling you out for being a cheater.

“Yeah...uhm sorry Michael. I...I have to go.“ he said and got up, left him alone and ran through the corridors into the Hufflepuff common room.

At dinner he didn't even looked to the Slytherin table and after he finished eating he fled to his bed.

Luke fell on it face forward and soaked up the vanilla scent from his pillow and blanket.

It was the same scent with an infinity bottom that Michael gifted him in third grade for his birthday so he took his bed stuff and threw it on the floor before laying back down on the pale mattress.

Luke wanted to cry but he promised his brothers and friends to stop doing that over all the times Michael made him cry unintentionally.

He was a Slytherin so it wasn't his intention at all.

It just happened that he said something without wanting to hurt the youngest Hemmings but it still did.

The next morning he sat with his brother on the Ravenclaw table and happily chew on a bite of ham toast with scrambled eggs.

Luke knew damn well that the Ravenclaw's had something against the Slytherin's so Michael wouldn't show up on a table full of them to talk to a happy Hemmings next to the older version of him because the blue house protected the golden child like a unicorn. 

He managed to avoid Michael the whole day although they had several classes together.

After the last lesson which was care for magical creatures Luke walked through the forest together with his best friend Mazy when a few Gryffindors thought about bothering the Hufflepuff and pushing him on the ground.

“Go away fucks.“ Mazy said and wanted to help Luke up again but the other house pushed her down too.

So the two Hufflepuffs layed there, rubbing different parts of their body from pain as the Gryffindors laughed about them.

“A pure blood and such a muggle blood really shouldn't be friends.“

Mazy looked away, felt the same pain as Luke did in the library with Michael.

“I thought, you're the good house.“ groaned Luke as he leaned on his elbows.

One of the boys shrugged their shoulders and pushed Luke's elbow backwards so he screamed in pain.

“What the fuck is going on here?!“ someone yelled and pushed himself through the crowd.

Luke just saw Michael how he made his way to the front, looking at him for a second before he walked over to the Gryffindors to punch them straight in the face.

The Hufflepuff shortly passed out from the pain in his shoulders but when he woke up again he felt being carried.

He opened his eyes and saw Michael from a low view talking with someone next to him while walking towards the hospital wing.

Luke tilted his head to see Mazy walking next to them.

She looked down at Luke and nearly yelled out when she saw his blue eyes. “Luke. Holy cow you're not dead.“

Michael looked down at the Hufflepuff too, smiled and tighten his grip a little.

In the hospital wing Madame Pomfrey got in a rush to put Luke's shoulder back in place.

Michael layed him down in a bed and held his not out of place hand.

Luke closed his eyes and screamed out in pain and squished Michaels hand when the nurse fixed his shoulder.

“That should be it... at the evening you'll get a potion Mister Hemmings.“ she said and left the 3 of them alone.

Mazy hugged Luke carefully before leaving the wing too.

Michael leaned down to rest his head on the mattress next to Lukes waist.

The Hufflepuff lifted up his hand and placed it on the colorful hair.

“I'm sorry for what I said yesterday in the library. I know that you don't cheat because you're smart and I'm just a idiot.“ Michael said quietly, looking up to Luke.

He smiled gently. “It's fine Michael. It was a bit offensive but we all make mistakes.“

The Slytherin kissed Luke's wrist and closed his eyes and fell asleep after mumbling a "thank you".

Luke smiled and fiddled out his wand to do a little of Michaels favourite magic so a quiet and calm piano played nowhere but the sound was audible.

He placed the wand on the bedside table and fell asleep in a matter of minutes too.

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