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Hello my friends, I'm back (hopefully). We all know how fast that changes. I don't want to hold you back from reading with the sad sob story, called my life. So have fun.
There'll be a part two ;)




Watch it all fall down

Bright flashlights all over, Michael almost went blind.

But he smiled through it, fixing his oversized dress shirt and posing for the cameras.

His attention was drawn away from the blinding lights as a black car pulled up to the beginning of the red carpet, the driver jumping out his side and opening one of the back doors.

A gorgeous tall blond got out of the car, Luke Hemmings, turning back to the car to reach his hand back in, helping a girl in a pretty dress out of the vehicle.

Michael felt jealousy choking up, but he kept smiling, even when he saw the girls arm being elegantly draped on Luke's arm and that her floor length gown perfect matched with Luke's silk shirt.

He managed the rest of the red carpet pretty quickly and got inside, to stop seeing his celebrity crush holding his movie costar, smiling brightly into the camera.

Michael didn't even want to come here in the first place, but his best friend Calum and he wrote and sung the soundtrack for Luke's movie.

That was the reason they met and Mikey fell in love with the handsome Australian actor.

In the halls in which the award show was held, he met Calum and sat down on their designated table, sighting in relief.

“You met your little blondie?“ Calum asked with an evil smirk on his lips.

“Shut up.“


The show itself was boring and not even in the slightest surprising, Luke won for best acting and Calum and Michael won for best song.

But the aftershow party got interesting.

Michael stood in the restroom, his hands under the tab of the golden sink, cold water running, as the door flew open and a tipsy Luke walked in.

The singer tried his hardest, not to stare at Luke through the mirror, to let him have privacy while doing his business. But Luke didn't even seem to be interested in the toilet area.

He walked over to the sink and leaned against the counter, next to Michael, which caught him off guard.

“Hi.“ Michael said polite and turned the tab off.

“Hello Michael.“ he said, his perfect lips formed to a grin. “You looked amazing on the red carpet today.”

Michael almost dropped the paper towel that he used to dry his hands with.

“You heard me, Mikey, you looked stunning.“

“So did you.“ Michael couldn't stop the words from leaving his mouth, but at the sight of Luke blushing badly, he had no regrets.

They moved closer to each other, without them noticing, until they stood right in front of each other.

One of Luke's golden curls fell into his face, Michael slowly raising his hand, stopping a few inches away from the gold. “Is it okay if I touch you?“

Luke just nodded, his eyes focused on Michaels lips, which made even more hair fall out of place.

With gentle moves Michael put the curls back into place, them feeling soft like cotton.

Lukes voice was just a whisper, but they stood so close that Michael understood the 4 words without issue. “Can I kiss you?“

This time it was Michael, who was only able to nod, befor their lips crashed onto each other.

At first the kisses were gentle, Michaels hands moving down to Luke's hips, getting a good grip, until Luke gentle broke the kiss, to mumble breathlessly “God, I'm glad you were the one singing this song.“

Michael gently shoved Luke backwards, pressing him against the sink.

As they kissed again, Michaels hands wandered over Luke's ass to his thighs, lifting him onto the countertop.

Lukes hands got a grip onto Mikey's shirt to open the buttons, as Michael started to kiss his neck, getting soft moans out of him as a response.

A few hickeys later, both their shirts were open, halfway slid off, Micheals hands moving lower on Luke's hips, which was met with a needy moan.

“You're so pretty.“ Michael whispered, gently kissing him as he started to work him up through the fabric of the pants.

Lukes head fell back, leaning against he mirror, exposing the neck, covered in purple hickeys.

“Tha-Thank you.“ he choked out through moans of pleasure, the grip onto the tab savings him from completely melting into Michaels touch.

The feeling of extasy started to build up in his core, but the sound of an opening door ruined it.

His eyes flew open and Michaels head shot around, seeing Calum standing in the doorframe, mouth wide open.

Michael quickly shielded Luke from Calums eyes, holding his Button up shut. “Yeah mate?“

“I'm I'm so sorry.“ Calum stuttered and ran out of the bathroom.

Luke cried out loud from the ruined moment.

“How about we leave this party and continue at my place. If you want to?“

“Absolutely!“ Luke said, too quick, too loud, but Michael just smiled and started to button up his shirt again.

Lukes hands were shaking from the previous situation, so Michael gently took Luke's hands away and closed the buttons for him, helping him down the counter.

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