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Hello, I'm still alive.
My dating live and school currently sucks so I don't have the energy to do much besides sleeping for 12-14 hours a day. ANYWAYS. Today's OS is so wholesome but I had to make Luke shorter than Mikey for this one.



Alpha/Omega AU


Michael could hit his head against the wall after Luke hung up the phone.

He was off his suppressants for two days now and his doctor told him that he can only restart them after 2 weeks.

And Michael knew it will be the worse two weeks of his life the second he picked up his phone and Luke said not even two words.

Luke was a whining mess, stuttering at every word.

Michael immediately knew what was wrong. Luke started to get into Omega state ...cause of Michael...his new Alpha.

Before doing anything stupid, Michael opend one of his bedside table-drawers to pull his room door key out and jumped down the stairs to his mom in the living room.

“I should have listened to you.“

His mom laughed loudly as she took the key out of her son's hand.

“What do you want for Lunch?“

“Pasta I guess.“

“Okay good. I'll call your dad to look the windows from the outside.“

Michael nodded and walked into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water which were always prepared for exactly this situation.

He also grabbed the Nintendo switch and every game they owned from the living room TV table before following his mom upstairs.

The windows in his room were already locked when he checked back in his room.

“I'll bring the food when it's ready.“ his mom said before closing and locking the door.

Michael dropped all of his stuff he held on the bed.

It was already torture but he knew the longer he would be off his suppressants the stronger his senses will get and the stronger his instinct to get to Luke will be.

So Michael layed there, playing animal crossing and waited.

4 days later was the high pitch of Luke's phase and it took 3 people for Michaels mom to bring him food or water without her son escaping his chosen prison.

It was so bad because Michael forgot to put Luke's stuff out of his room and due to his sences becoming stronger his whole room now smelled like Luke for him.

It was his nightmare cause everything inside of him yelled for him to be with Luke, to comfort him and to...help him with "other" problems.

He almost did it till the end of day 4 but just a single message from Luke was enough for him to break the window in his room and and climbed down the house wall.

His last bit of self-control got sacrificed for not changing into his wolf shape to be able to run faster to Luke's house.

The omegas mom was scared when she opened the door with Michael standing on their front porch, out of breath ad in absolut Alpha mode.

Michael almost went insane cause the whole house, the whole area smelled like Luke and the closer he came to the room his baby was in, the worse it was for him.

His hand was hovering over the doorknob but named door flew open and before he could do anything he felt being pushed against the opposite sides wall.

Strong, sweet scent hugged him as well as the tiny body trying to fully wrap around him, a blond haired head pressing against his chest.

Luke got so overwhelmed with the whole sensory that he started to cry into his boyfriends chest while clinging onto his hoodie.

“Shhh, it's okay Lukey, I'm here now.“

Michael still felt tense to mark his mate and it was not that easy to hold his urges back while Luke held onto so tight but his main priority right now was to comfort him.

“Lets go to your room baby, okay?“

Luke nodded and slowly moved backwards into his room.

Michael couldn't hold back a little growl when Luke's sweet scent got more and more intense with every step till he layed in Luke's bed, accidentally crushing him cause Luke pulled him down.

“Hold on baby.“ Michael laughed when he heared the suffocated muffles from underneath him.

He carefully turned around on the bed so his boyfriend could snuggle into his chest.

Luke had a little bit more self control over his wolf so he changed his ears from human form to wolf form.

Mainly cause Michael told him -when they started to date- that he looked like an adorable little puppy which made Luke whine for like 2 hours.

Michael but down hard in his lips when he heard Luke whine again cause his urges to be a proper Alpha and a proper mate came up again.

“I love you a lot Luke, but could you please stop?“ he almost spit out.

“I'm so sorry.“ Luke mumbled as soon as he realised what he did and crawled off his boyfriend which ended up with the Alpha whining for him to come back.

“Hold on, I have something for you.“

Michael watched his boyfriend leave the bed and resist the urge to follow him at every step.

The Omega returned with a little box in his hand, placing the blue present on his boyfriends chest.

Michael sat up a little before he pulled off the lid.

Inside of the box was a black necklace with a purple guitar pick charm made out of silicon.

“Whats that?“ Michael asked as he carefully took the necklace out.

“My mom assumed that you will somehow find...a way here. So she got this for you. That's a chewing necklace so you can...bite into that. They're fangs approved cause my brother had one from the same company like 2 years ago as well.“

“Thats so adorable. Thank you. And I'll tell your mom than you as well.“

Luke stole a kiss from his Alpha but before his hand could move anywhere, he pulled away. “Should I put it on for you?“

Michael nodded and patiently watched Luke climbing on his lap to put the string necklace on him.


Back in the cuddling position Luke turned on the TV so that both of them had something else to focus.

Michael needed 5 minutes till he started to chew on his necklace charm and well turns out that the jaw of an Alpha is a little bit stronger that the jaw of a Delta.

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