7 days in Jail

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Have fun with almost 3000 words. I worked on this for so long so give it as much love and attention as you can and leave feedback EVERYWHERE ❤️ I love y'all so much.




Luke and Michael had the same friend group. Which is not that bad you think. But oh dear, the two of them hated each other with passion.

But a turbulent party night and a hangover in the morning did its job by itself.


Day 1 Sunday

Luke woke up from a humongous headache.

As he looked around the room he realised that the was laying in Calums room.

Luke turned around, facing the wall but let out a scream.

Michael Clifford, his worse enemy way laying next to him in bed.

Michael woke up from Luke's scream and his eyes widened as he saw his bedpartner.

"What the actual fuck!" Luke yelled want wanted to get up but got janked back in bed...by a handcuff.

One side attached to his and the other one attached to Michaels wrist.

The two of them starred at each other.

"What in lord's name happend yesterday?" Michael asked. "Cause I can definitely not remember anything."

"Me either. But get the fuck up we need to find Calum. Now."

Michael surprisingly agreed and they managed to get into the kitchen.

Calum was sitting there with a amused smile. "Good morning Lovebirds."

"What is going on here?" Michael asked, trying to stay calm because freaking out with someone else attached to his wrist wouldn't be that funny.

"Thus us a quite funny story. So sit down my loves." Calum said and giggled like a child.

They sat down and just by the action of pulling out a chair the struggle began.

"So Calum. Why the hell are we cuffed together?"

Calum lost it as he took a sip out of his cup. "Well. Yesterday Ash and Harry made fun of you two absolutely hating each other so you two nearly black out drunk geniuses made the bet that you can be attached to each other for a week."

Michaels head fell on the counter. "Not a week. Not 7 days in basically jail."

Luke wanted to slap his head with the hand closer to him but he just snatched Michaels hand up with his own.

"Ouch you bastard. Watch out."

"Please open the cuffs Calum. Please!" Luke begged.

"Well...one of you, I'm not gonna snich, told me to record how you two say that no matter what we all are not allowed to open the cuffs till the week is over."

Luke groaned and his head sank down on the counter too.

Calum laughed about them and when Ashton came in the kitchen he had to laugh even harder.


Day 2 Monday

Luke felt disgusted and disgusting at the same time.

He had to go to the shower this morning.

Michael pinkie promised to turn his back and not to peak but Luke could swear that bastard with coloured hair looked at least once.

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