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Because michaelsaesthetic wanted a part two and doitlikeluke wanted some fluff here is both❤️


Michael Had mixed feelings when he got out of the car.

He was at the rehab center to pick Luke up.

It was his last day because he did so well that the doctors talked with him and Michael to let him go home.

He just needed to go to a therapist every now and then.

Michael walked up to the receptionist and asked for Luke.

The lady knew him because of the media and he was here pretty often in the past month.

“Your ID? I still need to scann it.“ she said with a friendly smile.

Michael gave her his driving license  and waited till it returned back to him and he was able to to to his love.

“He's waiting in his room.“ the lady said and smiled.

He walked to the automatic doors and through the hallways to Luke's room, carefully knocking on it.

“Come in.“

The door was pretty heavy but Michael was used to it and easily pushed it opened.

Luke was just about to push all his stuff back in his suitcase and smiled at his fiance.
“Can you close the zip while I'm sitting on it?“

Michael helped him on the suitcase and took the opportunity to kiss him.

Luke gained a little bit of weight which made Michael genuinely happy because he looked healthier now then he did before the rehab.

“Come here.“ Luke whispered when the suitcase was closed and he opened his arms for a hug.

The older boy came closer and embraced his lover.

After a few minutes they broke away and Michael helped him down again, lifted the suitcase from the bed and pulled the handle out to pull it.

The soon-to-be married couple walked through the hallway and passed the receptionist who greeted both of them and wished them good luck.

Luke kicked his legs the whole drive and was glad to be finally home again.

After they got into their flat he was kind of confused.

The decorative bottles of alcohol got removed form the shelf's and got replaced with little items they saved from their passt Dates.

Like picture frames with movie tickets and Polaroid pictures some fans took of them.

Some really cheesy love letters and notes they wrote for each other.

It looked like a little muke museum.

Luke was so surprised that he actually teared up and turned around to his fiance.
“You did that? That's so...I love you so much. Thank you for your support.“

Michael hugged him because seeing his lover cry, made him cry too.

“Thats the last thing you should be thankful for. I'm in love with you and I want to show it.“

Luke smiled and broke away again to look at the little shrine of their relationship.

He found a picture of them standing in front of Michaels first exhibition in a really cool gallery.

A flashback to high school when he played at a school gig and them holding Michaels certificate for winning at a drawing competition.

And a picture of them laying on a couch backstage before Luke had a show to play.

Unfortunately he held a bottle of beer in his hand but Michael had put a milk box sticker over it.

And every single first copy of Luke's new albums stood there. With the signature.

The blond one was not even able to hold the tears back, he was just overwhelmed with all the love and attention his fiance made up for him. “I could marry you right now.“

“Speaking of that...“ Michael smiled with a cheeky smile and hugged him from behind. “You should really start to plan our wedding.“

“And you should really start practicing to carry me out of that building.“ Luke snaped with a loving smile.

“Your wish is my order.“

Michael picked him up in bridal style and carried him into their living room, to place him down on the couch.

“Not leaving.“ Luke whined and stretched his hands out.

“I'm just getting something from the kitchen. Wait a few secs, yeah?“ Michael said with a loving smile on his face.

Luke crossed his arms and pouted but passionately waited.

Michael came back with two plates and two cans of coke.

On the plates were some cupcakes with green frosting.

“That shit looks fancy.“ Luke laughed and grabbed one of the desserts and turned it around in his hands.

“Thats my Luke.“ Michael laughted and sat next to him, pulled him carefully on his lap and stole a little kiss.

“We should really get married right now.“ Luke said after a bite of the mini cake.

Michael smiled and pulled him closer.

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