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My life is a mess but enjoy this os ...



“Luke! Luke, over here!“

Lukes smile turned a little bit realer when he heard his favourite interviewer yell over the sound of cameras clicking and lights flashing.

He made his way over, looked at the a few inches smaller man right infront of him. “How are you doing Michael.“

“I'm doing amazing.“ he laughed “How are you, nervous for the show later?“

Luke shrugged his shoulders. “To be honest I've never sang on the Grammy's so a little bit. But I'm more excited for the interview with you later.“

“Thats good to hear.“

Luke stepped back, waved and continued to walk over the red carpet with a big smile on his face.

Michael smiled as well as he turned around to the rest of the team and showed them a thumb up.


Two little golden Grammy awards were standing on the coffee table between the two seats.

Both, Michael and Luke, got prepared for the interview, touch ups on Luke's makeup, fixing Michaels hair and putting pouder on his face.

“You okay?“ Michael asked while Luke's eyes were closed so his makeup artist could refresh his eyeliner. 

“The interview hasn't even started.“

“I'm well aware of that fact. But I'm asking to make sure.“

Luke smiled but the lady working on his face asked him kindly to stop cause the little smiling wrinkles stopped her from doing his makeup.

A few minutes later they sat on their chairs, cameras all around them, the last touch ups on the lighting were done.

Michael meanwhile fixed his interview cards and Luke was busy pulling around on his suit.

His stylist ran up to him and slapped his hands away, fixing his suit back in the right position.

“You two ready?“ someone behind the cameras yelled.

Both nodded, switched on a smile and a countdown started.

They started with Smalltalk like there was no set of cameras shoved in their face from every possible direction.

“What is your favourite part about performing?“ Michael asked after checking his cards.

Luke laughed a bit uncomfortable and moved lower in his seat.

Since the interview wasn't live Luke had some time to think about it.

“Probably the cheers.“


Luke giggled. “I mean, don't get me wrong, I love to make my fans happy and I love to perform for them. But my favourite part is when the show is over and I can stay on the stage for a few minutes longer...and all the cheers and the applause showering on me.“

Michael was slightly speechless from a answer soaked in that much honestness. “ Thank you for that answer.“

With red glowing cheeks Luke continued the interview till Michael got up with a friendly smile and shook his hand. “Thank you a lot for the interview. I hope you have a good rest of the night.“

Luke smiled and returned the wish.

The cameras finally shut and both of them let their smile fall a bit, making it more real.


Two little golden Grammy awards were standing on the couch table next to Luke's couch.

The singer was curled up, starring at the TV, his eyes being halfway closed, a hand gently going through his hair.

“You did a good performance today, I'm proud of you.“

Luke blushed as he turned his head around, looking into green eyes before stealing a kiss.

Michael let his hand slide out of the blond curls to hold his boyfriends cheek.

“The moon is beautiful tonight.“

Luke blushed badly and turned around again, cuddling closer to Michael. “I love you too.“

Michael smiled and kissed the blond curls. “I wonder how long it'll take them to realise that we're dating.“

“I don't know. I mean they already eat every interview we have together like Gordon Ramsay made it himself.“

“They really do my little applause chaser.“

“Fuck you.“

Michael laughed and kissed Luke's neck. “I love you too.“

The singer focused on the screen again, watching his favourite movie, a tradition they did after every interview together.

Michael gently pushed a hand between his boyfriends cheek and the couch material.

He felt Luke's cheeks heat up and a smile spreading across his face on his palm.

“You're just too adorable for this world.“

Muke OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now