Stockholm syndrome

407 14 42

Well, I decided to write that as a continue of dark web so heyo. (For my babe michaelsaesthetic2 it's literally so fucking fluffy)

But tho it's not really ss because Michael is holding no one hostage.

And PSA: I got a new phone and nearly whooped it out of the window again because my keyboard was shot and I needed about half an hour to get my old on back and I had to reset my Wattpad Password which quiet suck too.




Luke yawned as he woke up and stretched his back.

Yesterday was a quiet long night because Luke was Hella broke so to get a bit of money he helped Louis to fill and pack up little plastic bags with pills and powder which smelled like gasoline.

So they were up till 3 am and when Luke checked the time it was about 2pm in the afternoon.

Luke got out of the big bed and got dressed before walking out of his room down the stairs through the hall where he was laying on the floor about two months ago.

Since he decided to stay Michael treated him like a absolute princess.

He gave him a room with a big bed and clothes to wear, didn't touched him inappropriate and the chef in the kitchen was informed about Luke's likes and dislikes.

He walked in the kitchen where Michael was sitting with food infront of him but his phone pressed against his ear.

Luke wanted to say something but Michael hand signed him to be quite.

“Yes Malik. He's behaving about the best...sure I do. No he can't walk...if I would let him out of the basement.“

The call took another 10 minutes in which Michael did nothing but lie about how he treated Luke while the blond boy was having breakfast which the chef made for him.

“Sorry bout that. Good morning.“

Luke smiled and told him the same back. He was still insecure about actually speaking up or asking for extras because Malik chased that out of him.

“ it may possible that I get coffee?“ he ask, more whispered.

“Sure... absolutely, how do you drink your coffee?“ the chef asked.

“Uhm. Half cup coffee, half milk and a spoon of sugar.“

“On the way.“

Luke was happy that he trusted himself enough to do this and Michael was happy with him to.

Since Luke was here Michael barely spent a night without crying over how someone can break a human being this much.

“How was last night. Louis told me you helped?“

Luke nodded and just the thought of that made him yawn again. “It was fun. Louis sang the whole time and I think Harry from the packing likes him more than he wants to...“

He immediately stopped when he realised what he was about to say.

“It's okay Luke. I know about these two and I don't care. Louis is bi and Harry is gay so what is the deal of going against that. And...with your help we made a plus of 1350 dollars.“ Michael said and handed him an envelope.

He carefully opened it and got a bunch of dollar bills in his hands.

His blue eyes widened in shook as he counted the money. Exactly 1350 dollar and a tip of 10 bugs.

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