dorm room

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Where Michael is a rude asshole and Luke is the nicest person on campus.


“Who's that?“

Michael looked up from his phone as he heard his best friend talk.

The door to their class was wide open and someone stood in the frame, fingers cramped into a styrofoam box.

“Luke.“ the art student said, not even paying attention to Ashton anymore. “He studies history.“

“Yeah. I have seen him around with another dude, seems really nice and polite.“

“Jack. Or Cerberus. He's Luke's brother.“

“What the fuck?“

“Just shut up.“

Michael looked at the still anxious boy one last time before he paid attention to his phone again.

“Moody ass bitch.“

“Go fuck yourself Ashton.”

He continued scrolling through Instagram and Twitter, being annoyed by another girl from highschool popping up in his DMs.

That until a shaky hand almost covered his phone by placing a pencil set on one of his sketchbooks.

He looked up again, probably more mad looking than he actually was, resulting in Luke almost running to the next table.

”What the fuck's going on here?“

Ashton rolled his eyes. “The professor just said that the History students had a project in making history themed art supplies for us.“

“Okay, no need to be a petty bitch about it.“

Ashton gave him a dead glare but Michael already only paid attention to his screen.

After class he just shoved the set into his backpack with the rest of his supplies and left, going back into his dorm, glad to not have another lecture.

“Hey Michael.“

Called person took a deep breath to gain patience before turning around. “What?“

“Glad to catch you. I wanted to ask if you want to join me and Stacy? We wanted to go and grab some drinks and snacks to go and hang out at her's.“

Michael looked down at the girl infront of him.
“I don't know how many times I have to reject you Steff, but for the final time, leave me for fucks sake alone.“

Without waiting for her response, he just turned around and continued to walk till he was at his dorm, unlocking the door.

Michael shut the door a little to harsh cause he heard a whiny noise from his bed as he dropped his bag on the desk.

“I'm sorry my little crybaby.“

He walked over to his bed and sat down, watching the blanket move, a tired college student sitting up.

“How was your nap in my bed princess?“

“Don't forget your sweater.“ Luke said, brightly blushing while pulling the sleeves over his hands.

“My dorm room, my bed, my sweater, does the princess might also want to claim me?“

“I already did.” Luke giggled and fought himself out of the blanket, climbing on Michaels lap.

“Yes you did.“

“M tired Mikey.“

“Sorry for waking you up. If you let me take off my shoes and let me get comfy, you can sleep on my chest, okay?“

Luke nodded but didn't move till his boyfriend gently pinched his side.

“You meanieeee.“

The blond History student cried out before waddling off Michaels lap, his eyes closes in hope to not lose his tiredness.

Michael just laughed and quickly took his shoes off and fixed his pillow to take Luke's hands and guid him to the bed again.

“Watxh your kneecaps, there's the bedframe.“

He made little baby steps till he touched the frame and opened his eyes just a little to not miss his loved ones chest.

Michaels arms wrapped around the smaller boy, his muscles tense till a bony hand gently got placed on his upper arms.

“I know you want to protect me but you can relax now, okay?“


His muscles relaxed as he gently kissed Luke's hair.

“How do you like my Pencil set?“

Michael was taken by surprise. “ be honest I didn't really look at it yet.“

“I know, that's why I asked.“

“How do you...I won't even ask. Wanna tell me about it?“


“Fine.“ Michael smiled “Then you have to get off of me again so I can get it.“

“Noo, stay. It are pens and pencils with Greek mythology creatures and gods. On my favourite one there's Cerberus. Jack thinks it's fitting cause you're like head number three besides him and Ben.“

Michael wasn't the person to blush a lot but for sure he did this time by the big compliment he just got.

In the morning Michael woke up alone in his room, just an art supplies set with a sticky note on his desk.

See you again when the sun goes low x


Asshole Michael with a soft spot for Luke? Yessssss

Part two to be up soon? Also yes



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