blue flowers

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Luke felt lonely. Not alone because he had many friends, but lonely because non of em really meant something to him.

Because the one he wanted to mean something to didn't talked to him. Or talked at all.



The last locker in the hallway shut close.

That meant the blue haired boy will soon walk past me.

He always waited until the halls were empty for some reason I really wanted to know.

Or to be exact; I really wanted to know him.

“Hey you. Wait a second!“ I yelled as I realized that he nearly walked around the corner. 

The boy didn't turn around so I ran up to to him and grabbed his upper arm.

He winced and turned his head to me.

His green eyes starred at me with a scared expression.

“Hey. I'm Luke, what's your name?“ I said with a gentle smile.

He looked at me with a lot of terrifying in his eyes, he didn't sayed a word.


The blue haired one looked away and tried to push my arm down.

I smiled sad and walked into first period.

After third period I went back to my locker and as I opened the yellow door a little sheet of paper fell on the ground.

I put my Books in my locker and picked up the paper, unfolded it.

I'm Michael ;)

I looked around with confusion in my face as a blue haired boy disappeared around the corner.

“Michael, wait a minute!“

He really returned and stopped in front of me.

“Wanna hang out after school?“

Michael hesitated and surprisingly nodded.

I couldn't help but started to giggle and smiled at him.
“Are you finished at 3pm?“

The blue haired nodded again so I smiled and told him I'm gonna pick him up in front of the building.


The blue haired boy looked around my room with big green eyes and a gentle smile.

I threw my backpack on the floor and fell on my bed, so that my back cracked.

Michael turned his head to me as he looked worried.

“'s good man.“ I laughed and closed my eyes.

“How are you?”

As I got no answer I opened my eyes and searched for him.

He sat on my chair and squished his hands.

“No answer?“

Michael looked at my desk and took a pen and a piece of paper, wrote something on it and showed it to me. I'm doing good, how bout you?

“Uhm, Good I guess...why are you writing?“

Michael starred at the paper before writing, crossing it out and writing again.

I'm mute

Was the only thing he wrote.

I swallowed hard and opened my mouth but shut it again.

Muke OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now