frat party

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Part two of Dorm room.


Luke kept his promise as he walked into the frat party at the evening.

Or more, Calum dragged him in.

A fact which made Michael drop from cloud 7 down into the firy pits of hell.


The problem is, that both, Michael and Luke officially counted as single...much sought-after singles.

And Luke looked absolutely jaw dropping beautiful, his face sparkly and shimmery from the glitter on his cheekbones and the Bridge of his nose.

Michael had to take multiple deep breaths to stay on the couch with Ashton and some randoms his friend talked to.

Don't ruin the party, don't ruin the party.

Ashton noticed the drastic mood change from his best friend being relaxed to being an active volcano.
“Yo, what's wrong?“

“Nothing.“ Michael muttered and exed down his drink. “I'm getting another one.“

He almost ran into his so beloved boy who just wanted to leave the kitchen with two drinks in his hand.

“Oh hi. Nice to see you around.“

Luke smiled, tried to wipe the little splashes of alcohol off his button up without his lover noticing, but Michael just shook his head and walked past Luke into the kitchen.

The blond boy just looked at Michael dissapearing between people and felt his heart getting heavy.

“Luke... right?“

He turned around, looking at Ashton.

“Yes.“ He smiled with his mouth. “Who wants to know?“

“I'm Ashton, Michaels best friend. You seen him around? Being a bit pissy and actin like a bitch?“

“Oh yeah, he just passed into the kitchen. Excuse me please but MY best friend is waiting for his Gin Tonic.“

Luke left, feeling like he couldn't keep up with the fake smile until he found Calum again.

Calum smiled thankfully and took one of the drinks.

“Have you seen Liza?“

Luke stopped for a second before shaking his head. “Nah...I just ran into Michael and Ashton today...but we can find your girlfriend together.“

“Oh. Was Michael mean to you?“

“Not really...or more than usual... so don't worry.“


They went looking for Calums girlfriend and found the Canadian girl in the backyard with her friends, chatting and drinking.

“Baby!“ she yelled as she saw Calum walking out of the door, jumping up and hugging him, her movements being sloppy from the alcohol.


Luke wanted to do that too.

Eventho he was the one who wanted to keep their relationship a secret.

Fucking being an introvert.

Calum smiled happily and held her close, supporting her from just slipping in a sitting position again, Luke had to look away.

“I'm going back inside.“

“Have fun.“

Luke finished his drink before stepping back into the house, finding Michael at the beer pong table.

The art student wasn't playing but watching as Luke stepped next to him.


He didn't react, just kept supporting his body on his arms, his hands holding onto the edge of the table, watching the ball jumping around.

At least he tried till Luke quickly moved in-between him and the table, reaching for his face and bringing their lips to each other.

Michael got taken by surprise but his hands immediately snapped from the table onto Luke's waist, gently pulling him a little closer.

Cause even when Michael was acting like a little bitch, the comfort and well being of his boy was still more important.

Both of them knew that the whole party basically turned their attention on them, two boys kissing at the beer pong table.

As they separated, Luke blushed badly while he smiled- with his whole face this time.

Michael put his hand on the back of Luke's head and gently pushed his boys heat up face into his chest, holding him close.

“What?!“ he yelled as the people didn't stop staring at them.

They slowly went back into their old doings so Michael and Luke just cuddled together while watching the pong game.

Michael was a little confused, or a lot, about the random outing, initiated from Luke, but he couldn't be more glad about it.

And that eventho the glitter from Luke's face was now smeared into his shirt.

It was just fabric anyways.

And maybe Steff would stop hitting on him now.

A few hours after midnight they both went to Michael dorm room, the history student being drunk from losing a few games too many.

“Oh my precious boy.“

Luke blushed as he took his pants and shirt off to cuddle under the blanket.

Michael grabbed his wrist before he could sink deeper into the mattress than with his shin and kneecap.
“I know you're tired and feeling funky but you have to stay awake a little longer.“


“Should I carry you?“

“To where?“

“The bathroom.“ Michael said, smiling gently at the child-like pout from the blondie.

Luke nodded, so he got picked up, carried into the little bathroom that came with the college dorm.

“Oh god.“ Michael whispered to himself as he held onto Luke's jaw with one hand, the other one holding onto Luke's hand to guid the toothbrush around.

”Luv u.“ Luke said, smile brighter than a Christmas tree with toothpaste in his mouth, the alcohol lazying his body.

“I love you too Luke.“

It seemed impossible but the smile got a little bit bigger.

After teeth brushing and wiping the rest of glitter off Luke's face, Michael put the blond curles into a manbun before carrying his boyfriend back to the bed to finally lay down, Luke happily being the little spoon.

“My Mikey.“

Michaels hear melted as small hands grabbed one of his hands and held on tight, Luke's forehead pressed against Michaels upper arm.

“My Lukey. Mine mine mine and now everyone knows you're all mine.“


Fluuuuuuuuuff...with a little bit of angst.

But mainly fluff.



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