Why is no-one with me

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This is part two of the I need somebody one shot. This one will be ass long because nearly every entry on Luke's wall will be written in his perspective.

So even more and serious trigger warnings straight ahead;  mention and practicing of eating disorder, anger and yelling, mention and happening of suicide, strong language, loss of friends and loved ones in a emotional way, not a physical.

If you can't read a single point of that list, please skip this one shot, I won't be mad just watch out for your mental health.

It's maybe not May but still; mental health is important and you should be aware of it.




Luke carefully closed the door and got ride of his shoes, walked through the hallway into the kitchen.

The schoolbag felt heavy on his shoulder as he saw his mother standing at the stove. “Hey Honey. How was school?“

He looked at the floor and squeezed his hands.

“What happened?“ she asked worried and took the pan off the stove.

“I...I failed my test and now I have to re-do junior year.“ he said, tearing up.

“You're kidding, right?“ Liz asked and tried a smile.

Luke shook his head. “No.”

“Show me the test.“

She tried her best to stay calm and patient but the madness built up.

He ripped the test out of his backpack and handed it to her, looking away. A big, red F stood in the right upper corner.

“Please go into your room. Dinner is done in 10 minutes.“ Liz said really mad.

“I'm not hungry... I'll rather study...math.“ he quickly said and left to go upstairs into his room, looked the door and escaped into his bathroom.

His back fell again the wall and suddenly the yelling started downstairs at the same time as his tears ran down his cheeks.

Luke walked over to his bathtub and turned on the water and got undressed meanwhile.

When he sat in the water he looked at his body and cried even more.

Luke felt bad for the slice of pie he had today, the failed test and that he was the reason there was no peace in the house...again.

He took a deep breath and slide his head under water and opened his eyes. 


After the math lesson was lunch time but he didn't planned to go to the cafeteria.

His teacher supported that plan by calling him back into the room.

“See Luke. I know you are a good student. So I wonder why the only thing you filled out at the test was your name. What happened?“

“I don't know either. A blackout probably?“ he said but it was more a question.

“Do you feel prepared to rewrite the test on Friday after school?“ the teacher asked.

Luke agreed more than happy and finally had and believable excuse to go to the library not the cafeteria.

He sat in there until lunch time was over and afterwards he walked to his next class.

Ashton next to him gave him a questioning look. “Where have you been while lunch?“

Luke smiled. “I was in the library because I can rewrite the test.“

Muke OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now