A Surprising Opportunity

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Luna's POV

The Polyjucie Potion wouldn't be ready for a month, so that was one month we had to fill with other pranks. One month that Ginny could use to change her mind.

I hoped she would.

However, the next day at breakfast, Snape had an announcement. His drawling voice grated against my eardrums like fingernails on a chalkboard.

"As you all probably know, it's close to Halloween."

There was muttering. I had completely forgotten about the holiday. It was one of the many I celebrated because of the Nargle's role in the festivities. However it seemed impossible that something so normal could exist when everything good and pure was dying.

No, everything good is not dying, and will never die. That's only what they want you to think. We can still win. Harry's still alive. He's still fighting so you should be too.

But a darker voice whispered,

He's alive for now, but what will you tell yourself when he's dead?

I pushed the voice away.

That will never happen. It can't.

But I still found myself losing hope.

"I will be hosting a ball for some coworkers. Sixth years and up are required to attend, however after half an hour you may leave at your discretion. For those of you who choose to stay, I can introduce you to some very good contacts for your life out of Hogwarts. They can provide you a rich and meaningful career."

An exited muttering erupted from the Slytherin table while dark grumblings could be heard from the Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs. My fellow Ravenclaws seemed split. Some looked exited, but others looked mutinous. Most fell somewhere on the scale between.

"Security will be tightened for the event, and any trouble making or disturbances will be put down swiftly and cruelly." Snape let the words hang, then left the podium, and returned to his seat.

My galleon burned. Ginny's dark handwriting had appeared.

We're totally going to make a disturbance, right?

Lavender's swirly script.


The coin's manufacturing date changed, saying it will be made in five minutes.


When I left the Great Hall, I made my way up the the Room of Requirement as quickly as I could without being suspicious.

Five minutes later the whole DA was there.

"This opportunity is too good to pass up, but what's the plan?"

"Drop a dungbomb and run?"

"We will be in a room full of bloodthirsty Death Eaters...we'd need to run very fast." Neville warned.

"He said he'd increase security, I don't see how we could get away with anything." Parvati fretted.

"So do we do nothing?" Ginny was incredulous.

"We could sneak Weasley Products in the food." Rolf volunteered. "The house elves threatened me with that..."

Why would they? They've all been so sweet to me!

"Sure, right at the end of the required 30 minutes. Then, we all scamper and hopefully You-know-who loses most of his army to a mysterious bleeding, vomiting, feverish disease."

"Ooh, they can do headaches now too." Ginny added.

"That all sounds bloody wonderful, but how will we pull it off?" Terry asked.

"Carefully." Seamus warned.

"How helpful." Michael deadpanned. "I now  teach you how to kill He-who-must-not-be-named. Carefully. And to drive the Carrows out of Hogwarts. Carefully. You know, this whole war can be won, as long as we do it, Carefully.

"Fine, how about, After the thirty minutes, someone goes up to the snack table. They drop a pre-made packet into the punch. The outer layer will devolve, and the Weasley Products will be released. By that time we will be far enough away to divert suspicion. Is that in depth enough for you?"

Seamus' tone was harsh. He apparently felt mocked, and did not appreciate it.

"Wonderful. So, do we just wait?" I asked.

"Pretty much. A few people need to make the packet though."

"I'll do it." Hannah volunteered.

"Me too!" Neville suddenly seemed a little overenthusiastic, and I wondered why.

"Have fun!"

Are these chapters too short? Idk why I think so, but they seem to be taking less time to write. Tell me that, and any ideas to sabotage the party



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