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Luna's POV

I was lying on my back, looking up at the ceiling. Narcissa Malfoy had come back a few hours ago with more broth. That time, I was able to hold the bowl myself, but sitting up seemed like an impossible dream. Every time I tried, my core muscles screamed at me, and my arms collapsed.

I felt so frail and helpless; buffeted about by winds of cruelty and kindness. It was terrifying, knowing that you had absolutely no control to whether you live or die. Bellatrix clearly had some sort of scheme. She wouldn't be letting her sister help us out of the kindness of her heart.

But whereas I was gradually recovering, Ollivander was slipping further and further away. Despite Mrs. Malfoy's best efforts, he was simply not getting better.

The door opened again, and for the third time today Narcissa came into the cellar.

This time, the broth had bits of some sort of green herb floating in it.

"Those herbs are for healing and sleep, in case you're wondering. I'm sorry I couldn't get a potion, but..." I nodded, and tried to express that I was grateful for anything.

It had a tangy aftertaste but I was too busy slurping the liquid to care.

I could already feel my eyelids getting heavier, and my muscles were relaxing.

"Thank you." I whispered. The cold stone room faded, and I was enveloped by soft blackness.

Neville's POV

Ginny's words seemed to have stirred something in Madam Pomfrey. She'd cast a few spells, and a barrier shimmered over the door.

"What-." Terry seemed mystified.

"Shush." The woman interrupted. She cast her wand in an arch over Sally-Anne. Sparkling green dust settled over her form, and and sunk into her skin. Slowly I watched the slashes heal. The gash on her cheek had scraped bone, and I could see the tissues slowly regrowing to cover it. Soon that too was covered by fresh, pink skin.

"Ms. Perks has amazing cellular regeneration, don't you think?"

"Oh, yes. It's amazing." Michael was playing along. "Who knew the human body could do this, all on its own?"

The once deep wounds on Sally-Anne's arms were now little more than paper-cuts.

"Mr. Longbottom, could you please hold out your arms? And you have cuts on your back and stomach, so it would help if you take off your shirt too."

I felt myself go red, but did it. My eyes darted to Hannah for the briefest of moments. Madam Pomfrey waved her wand again, and the green dust settled on my chest and arms. It felt very cold, then very warm. A prickling sensation spread through me. I looked down, and saw the scars fading. It began to pinch in an almost but not quite painful way. Then it dulled and stopped.

The scars were mostly gone, except for traces.

"I'm sorry I couldn't fully heal them, it's been too long since they were made."

I quickly pulled my shirt back up over my head, and snuck another glance at Hannah. She was whispering with Susan. My attention snapped back to the nurse when she said.

"Someone should fetch Ms. Weasley, as she started all this."

The barrier blocking the door vanished, and Lavender left. A few minutes later, she came back with Ginny.

Ginny pulled her arm out of her sleeve, and the blemish shrunk considerably, but was still large and raised. Ginny looked at it with horror.

"This, this is all you can do?"

"I'm sorry, dear." Ginny bit her lower lip.

"I was hoping, you know, after the war was over... that you'd be able to make it go away completely."

"I'm sorry, but this is the best I can do."

Ginny's POV

I bit my lower lip harder. It was trembling outside of my control.

I will not cry

"I, I have to go." I pulled my arm back, and ran out the door. I ran out into the hallway, not even apologizing as I ran though the Fat Friar. I'd been hoping for the impossible, I knew it.

I'd have this scar forever.

Forever was a very long time.

Suddenly I couldn't hold back the tears. The burst from me in a river, and I leaned against the wall.

Someone came up behind me, and I tried to stop. But my sobs intensified.

"I know I'm being stupid." My voice heaved. "I, I just, I thought I could get rid of them. Once we win, I could just put all this behind me.

But no matter what..."

"Hey, I understand." Michael patted me on the back. "If what happened to you happened to me, I'd be throwing a tantrum right now." I laughed a hoarse laugh.

"And you can use that scar remember how you beat the hell out of that bastard."

"That's not how it works." But I'd stopped crying.

"Then remember, that scar doesn't define you."

I turned around and hugged him.

"Thank you."

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