Easter with Hannah pt. 2

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Warning, this chapter contains hating on one of the most perfect ships ever to be created, Remphadora.

Luna's POV

Bellatrix was practically skipping with glee.

"I've done it. Cissy, I've done it! Our family tree has been pruned at last."

"You didn't..."

"I did. Ted Tonks is dead. He made some pathetically brave speech about how he loved 'Dromeda and would do it all over again if he could. But he died screaming, and that's what counts!"

"Bella, no!" Bellatrix plowed on, oblivious.

"I also managed to get one other Mudblood and a goblin."

"What of the other two?"

"Escaped. But honestly who cares? Our family tree is clean and pure with the possible exception of that Metamorphmagus. But she's not too revolting if you ignore her marriage.

It's almost as if each generation is trying to outdo their parents. First Mudbloods, then a werewolf. Next it'll probably be a Mudblood Werewolf unless we end this whole thing now before the abomination reproduces.

It'll probably make hairy children with fangs. At least 'Dromeda married a human not a monster. And he's too old for her anyways. They're literally different species!"

"Bella, they're fam-."

"Don't you dare say family. Andromeda lost that title years ago."


"No. Just no. I'll pretend you never said that, and tell you about how much fun I had tracking Ted down. In fact it was so much fun, I'm doing it again.

Mary Abbott, I think her name is."

"Abbott's a Pureblood name, Bella. You of all people should know-."

"Abbott was a Pureblood name. Now it's sullied and ruined. Much like what 'Dromeda did, it's a disgrace to wizards everywhere."

"Yes but-."

"See you later, Cissy. I do love our sister chats."

Neville's POV

After the incident-that-must-not-be-named, the next time I kissed Hannah, I made sure to close the door. However, her brother seemed to have made it his personal mission to interrupt us whenever possible, and this made it even more embarrassing when he found us.

It also didn't help that her dad was there too...

So, yeah. Dinner was awkward, with Jacob smirking and her dad glowering. For most of it, the only sound was clinking silverware and chewing.

Her dad glared at me, then, without breaking eye contact, stabbed a piece of potato with unnecessary force. I flinched, and he smiled warmly, then stabbed it again.

I felt a foot brush mine under the the table, and my gaze snapped up to Hannah. She was talking to her brother, and looking the other way. The foot brushed again, this time clearly intentional.

I looked up, and this time a small smile graced her lips. The foot came again, tapping lightly on the top of mine, and I cocked my head in confusion.

What are you doing? I silently asked. She shrugged.

I'm bored out of my mind, and don't know what normal couples talk about.

It hit me. All our conversations had been about the Carrows or new pranks, or worrying about people who had been caught. Nothing table talk appropriate.

I cleared my throat loudly, trying to fill the silence.

"So, um, do you want to play wizard's chess after dinner?" She asked. "So far Jacob's undefeated, but I nearly beat him last time."

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Alright, but the key word in that sentence is nearly." He relented. "I'm still the master of wizard's chess."

"Well, 'master of wizard's chess,' prepare to be dethroned.

So, this is what family sounds like...


Turns out Jacob was very hard to dethrone. He beat me within five minutes, but I'm rubbish at this game anyways.

The game with his dad lasted longer, but in the end, Jacob won with comfort.

But the game against his sister lasted far longer. It wasn't exactly riveting, but then again, it was chess.

It started out with a simple English Opening. Then Hannah's rook took his knight, he took her bishop, and it escalated from there. Hannah took his queen by moving her other bishop away from her king.

"Ha, who's the champion? That's right, me." She waved the piece under his nose. He looked calmly back, then pushed his bishop forward.


"This game is stupid anyways!" She huffed.

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