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Agh! As the author I'm scrambling. I'm trying to have the DA recruit, while as the same time give personalities to the members we already have. For example, I forgot Anthony even existed until the previous chapter, and characters like Terry or the Patil twins don't really have a lot of personality. But more people need to be added, or Dumbledore's Army, Still Recruiting is false.

Luna's POV

My core strained as I sat up. Narcissa supported my arm as the seconds ticked by. After a minute and a half, I felt like I was going to tear in half, but I kept going. At two, I collapsed into a heap.

"You're improving." She tried so hard to be encouraging.

"No, I'm not. I just want to be able to stand up!"

"That's not a good idea right now. Maybe soon. Once you can sit up for five minutes, we can try."

"That'll be ages. And I distinctly remember you saying thirty seconds earlier."

"You're not really yet." Her voice was calm, but there was an undercurrent of something just below the surface. "Please trust, that I have your best interests at heart." Her tone almost but not quite begged.

I nodded, then sat up again. "You can stand when you're ready to stand."  The plea was gone from her voice as quickly as it'd come.

I rested my head on my knees and stayed there for awhile. I could see Narcissa helping Ollivander out of my peripheral vision.

I've always listened to directions. But, I know I can do this. And she does too. So maybe that's not why she doesn't want you to.

Amidst these trusting thoughts, there was one seed of poison. Ever since I fully realized she was a Death Eater, it'd been growing. And so, without any arguable reason, I made my choice.

I could feel my heart pounding in my ears. The tricky part is getting up. Once you're up, it's just balancing.

I pushed off with my hands, and in one fluid motion shifted my weight forward. I was on the balls of my feet, and straightening up before I even knew what I'd just done.

My hand found the wall, and I leaned against it. My knees trembled, but I stayed upright.

In almost slow motion, I saw Narcissa turn. I saw her eyes widen, and her mouth open the barest of fractions. Her face crumpled.

"I, I need to go." For the second time, she fled. I briefly wondered what had upset her so much, but then I noticed.

In her haste, she'd forgotten to close the door.

Ginny's POV

Today we were finally interviewing Jason Moon. Hannah was looking into more, but so far nobody passed the majority vote.

Jason was in 7th year, and a Ravenclaw, so I'd only ever seen him in passing. We were meeting in the Great Hall, so just in case after all our careful planning, he still turned out to be a traitor, he wouldn't learn anything too valuable.

I'd been out at night so many times, I hardly bothered to sneak anymore. Part of me knew to be cautious, but I reached the Hall without incident.

The DA was waiting there, with a boy who's dirty blond hair fell limply against the side of his face. I assumed this was Jason. He had a nervous vein ticking at his temple, and with each moment, he looked like he wanted to be here less and less.

"Hi!" I smiled, trying to ease the nervous energy that practically dripped off him. He flinched at my voice.

"Hey." I couldn't quite place my finger on why, but even his voice sounded anxious.

"So, why do you want to join Dumbledore's Army."

"I want to make a difference." His response was quick; rolling off his tongue with practiced ease.

"But, you should know. I don't usually do this sneaking out at night stuff. Don't get me wrong, I want to help, but I'm not exactly... adventurous."

"That's fine. What can you do?" Parvati asked kindly.

"I'm not strong. Or athletic. Or fast. Or physically powerful in any way. And offensive magic makes me queasy. Or any form of violence for that matter."

He paused for a breath, and my mind raced. This wasn't what I'd expected. This wasn't what we needed. I could tell he'd be useless in a duel. I hoped he'd begin listening his strengths soon.

"But, I have Outstanding in all my classes, I know a wide variety of spells and charms." He stopped abruptly. I felt myself waiting for more.

"Umm, we need to discuss." Parvati gave us a meaningful look, before practically shoving us out the door. Once outside, she muttered,

"Muffliato." Her twin instantly started talking.

"We can't let him join."

"Why not? Harry intended the DA for anyone and everyone who wanted to join." Neville argued.

"Harry intended the DA to face nothing worse then expulsion!" Padma countered.

"So do we turn him down? He's willing to help." Neville shot back.

"He might hold us back! He might get captured. He might betray us, he might-."

"Hey, it's ok, bunny." Michael put his hand on her arm. Padma smiled the faintest bit, but the frown fought to get back. She poked her head around the out the door.

"You're in."

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