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Daizee had returned to the guest house after visiting Adelita. She still couldn't believe that she was about to be the legal guardian for the little boy. She couldn't bring herself to tell Angel the that child he had was now going to be her's too. For how long? She had no idea. Could be until the kid is 18. She just prayed she was doing the right thing.

Daizee told Nestor, he was the only person that she could trust. He had gone over to the storage unit she had and pulled out the crib, dresser, rocking chair, and some clothes. Daizee had managed to smuggle some of Cristobal's old clothes from the house. Daizee was dreading telling Miguel and Emily, then they'll really be up her ass.

"Could use some more paint." Nestor said behind Daizee as she stood in the open room, "I was just gonna go grab some. I'm assuming you want it white still?"

"Yeah, I think it'll help keep the room light. You don't have to do-"

"I want to. I meant what I said that night, when I said I can see my whole future with you. A wedding, a baby, a big house in the mountains, t-ball tournaments on the weekends. If this is what I have to do to start that, then it's what I have to do." Nestor said leaning against the door frame.


"I agreed to give you space. That doesn't mean I'm going to let you do this on your own. Babies are a lot of work, even when they have both biological parents. This child is going to be ripped away from it's parents and given to a stranger. You'll need help Daizee, you don't have to do this on your own."

"Thank you." Daizee said and crossed the room to hug him. Nestor wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her forehead, "You're gonna be the best dad some day."

EZ and Angel sat on an abandoned road waiting for Potter to arrive. It was a hard choice, but Angel decided to use the info on Potter to protect his father. His father meant everything to him. Yeah he wanted to save Adelita and his child, but his father meant more. Besides, the real woman he loved still hadn't forgave him for having a child with her to begin with.

"Sure you wanna do this?" EZ asked his older brother, "We don't have to do this if-"

"Yeah, we do." Angel cut off his baby brother.

"You haven't told me why."

Angel sighed and looked at the abandoned horizon, "After that day in the desert, when Adelita sent me away, sent us all away. . . I don't know, man, it fucking. . . split me in half, ya know? Like something changed. I finally saw who she was. A little bit of who I could be. So now any time I feel lost. . . fucked up, sad and shit, I asked myself what she would do, and what she would say."

"She'd tell you to help Pop." EZ said.

"Yeah, and she'd be fucking proud of me. And then there's also the real possibility that if we use that shit to free her, she would fucking send us home again." Angel said.

"I'm proud of you, Angel."

"Shut up." Angel joked as a black car pulled up to the boys, "Can't we just shoot this guy in the fucking face?"

"That's plan B." EZ said as he got off of his bike and grab a manilla folder from his saddle bag.

Potter had walked up to the two and smiled at them, "Gentlemen bikers. Fate continues to steer, and all roads lead back to us. No Daizee?"

"None of your business." Angel said, feeling heat that he mentioned her.

Potter moved his head side to side looking at the two Reyes' boys, "I trust the contents will be worth my commute."

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