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Later that night, Daizee was tasked with cleaning the guys up after a fight with Galindo's men at the dog kennels. She took her time cleaning Bishop, Taza, and Coco's wounds. She basically slapped a ice pack on Angel's face and walked away. Chucky served them all beers, and they went to Templo.

"So, that was pretty intense this afternoon." EZ said as Daizee cleaned up her supplies.

"Yeah, someone couldn't keep their mouth shut." Daizee smirked as she opened a beer up.

"You tell him?"


"Didn't go well?"

"Think he hates me even more now, if that was even possible."

EZ sighed, he knew how much pressure Daizee puts on herself. It hadn't changed in the years he's known her. If anything it's gotten worse. The door to Templo opened, and Angel nodded towards the two prospects. They both stood up and walked with them. Coco, Gilly, and EZ all followed behind as well.

"Come with us, need the solider's medical skills." Angel said as they walked towards the bikes.

Angel led them to the warehouse, and without another word led them down to the tunnels. Daizee gasped as she saw a man laying on the dirt floor badly burned, and his son holding his hand. Daizee pushed past the guys. She got down on her knees next to the man and set her bag down.

"lo siento, senor." Daizee said as she opened her bag and put some gloves on.

"eres un doctor?" The man asked.

"tan cerca de uno como padamos conseguirte." Coco said. The man nodded and Daizee began scanning over his wounds.

"We need to keep going. Coco stay with her. We'll keep going." Angel said and Coco nodded.

Daizee got to work quickly. She placed a wrap over his burns and taped it down. She gave him whatever pain meds she had available to her. These weren't the best conditions, and he needed to see a real doctor. But she understood why he couldn't. He was probably wanted by the MC for something.

"Usted es bueno, senor." Daizee spoke as she took her gloves off. The man grabbed her hand and nodded to her, too weak and injured to speak. Coco helped her up off the ground, and the two continued on in the path.

The drive into the small town of Sonora was a bumpy one. Desert roads were hard to navigate at night, but Coco felt confident on where he was going. EZ had waited for him on the other side of the gate in the bronco. The two men discussed the fight, while Daizee kept her eyes on the never changing scenery in front of them.

"Galindo did that to him, didn't he?" She finally asked.

"Yeah. He did."

Daizee bit her lip, she was pissed. Maybe he did this as a way to piss Daizee off. He knew the one way to make her mad, was to hurt other people. He would do it all the time when they were younger.

Coco parked the bronco off on a side street of Sonora. The three of them walked around the small town. Daizee hadn't been over the border since she joined the military, and missed how the small towns came together and had small festivities.

It was like gathering children, Coco was stressed. EZ and Daizee had run off and kept hiding from Coco. Daizee's giggles filled the boys ears.

"Daizee! EZ! quit being kids!" Coco yelled and the two came out from hiding.

Angel was leaning his back up against the wall smoking a cigarette. He was pissed off after his conversation with Adelita. Angel didn't want Galindos son to be hurt, and now he feared that Los Olvidados could go after Daizee.

Angel sighed and ran his hand down his face. He looked up at the sound of boots crunching on the gravel. Angel inhaled his cigarette and flicked the ash off.

"Can I help you, princessa Galindo." Angel smirked as Daizee walked towards him. She rolled her eyes and snatched the cigarette out of his hands, "You don't..."

Daizee exhaled the smoke, blowing out circles and Angel raised his eyebrows in shock. She passed the cigarette back to him and Angel chuckled.

"Smoke." He said finishing his sentence, "Where did you learn that?"

"Iraq. We got bored and learned tricks." Daizee shrugged.

"That guy gonna make it?"

"Hard telling. Infection will probably kill him slowly."

Angel just looked at her. She was the same girl on the inside. Soft, quiet, with a little bit of wild streak. But the out side, her face was older and had worry lines etched into it. Her eyes were colder and darker than the were.

Angel reaches his hand out and put it on her cheek. She nestled into it and looked up at him. Those green eyes were traps, and they were pulling Angel back in. Angel leaned in closer trying to close the gap between them. They're lips barely brushed, when a scream ripped through the air.

Daizee snapped out of her lovesick daze and hunkered down to the ground. Flashbacks flew through her mind and she was frozen in terror. She clamped her hands over her ears and started crying.

"Make it stop! Make it stop!" Daizee cried. Angel went down to her level and put his hands on her back to try and get her to calm down.

"Daizee, nothing can hurt you. You're okay." He said to her. "EZ! Coco!"

EZ and Coco were busy pushing their way through the crowd to hear Angel yelling for them. Ez stopped and gasped. Two burned bodies laid in the center square, both with papers out of their mouthes. Coco walked towards it and picked it up.

"fucking shit!" Coco spat.

"Angel and Daizee." EZ said, and the two ran off to find them. 

Coco was the first to find them. Daizee laid on the ground, her cheek presses to the cement. Angel kneeled next to her, running his hands through her hair.

"What happened?" Coco said coming down by Daizee.

"Some PTSD bullshit. Heard the screams and went ballistic." Angel said. Coco sighed and looked at Daizee.

"I'll get the boy scout to pull the bronco around."

"What happened?"

"Galindo is what happened. Burned both the dude and the kid. laid them in the square for all of us to see."

"Shit man."

"Yeah I know."

should i do a character visual?
Any suggestions on who should play Daizee?

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