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The prospects ended up having to leave Celia's body at her house for the day. Each of them were called for different things, EZ had a family matter and Daizee was needed to stock the clubhouse. El Padrino and his charter were arriving down in Santo Padre after Miguel was arrested by the general attorney. Also there was a supposed fight going down.

Daizee had managed to spend the day cleaning the whole clubhouse. The kitchen was spotless, the Templo glass windows shined.The virgin statue shinned brighter than it ever had. Even the dorms had fresh pillows and blankets on them.

By the time El Padrino showed up, Daizee was tired and need of a nap. She greeted them with Bishop and then got to work cleaning and refilling. The whole time, EZ was no where to be found. The patches found that weird that he wasn't around, but didn't press her on it.

Daizee was already hard at work stocking and opening beers, and making drinks for the Mayans as they each went into Templo with El Padrino. Leti hadn't talked to her since she arrived last night. The clubhouse was silent as they were all in Templo.

It wasn't long until she heard the rumble of a motorcycle and went outside to see EZ rolling in. She smiled at him and turned when the Templo door slid open. The loud footsteps of the patches filled the clubhouse and Daizee went back to serving them.

"How ya doing, prospect?" Marcus asked her.

"Hanging in there, El Padrino."

"She got a little testy with us, but think she learned her lesson." Bishop said and Daizee handed him an open beer, "Eye's healing."

"For the most part. I promised no more high speed chases." Daizee smirked and Bishop winked at her before walking away to the other patches.

A little while later, the members and some of Vicki's girls made their way outside, as Riz and Angel were in the ring. Coco had explained that Angel rated on Riz about the tunnel under his house. Now, Riz wanted revenge. Daizee stood next to Coco, her hand on the fence as Angel and Riz danced circles around each other.

Daizee would never get over the sight of watching Angel fight. His toned arms and back throwing punches with a hard force. The way his hair would droop in front of his face with sweat. The fact that he was shirtless was an added plus, she could see the tattoos that covered his chest. Even the tattoo with a daisy over his heart. She let her mind wonder to all the times she had kissed down that torso, and the times she scratched her fingers down his back.

"Get off the fence!" Coco yelled, snapping Daizee out of her daze.

"He's gonna beat him," Daizee said right as Riz had pinned Angel to the ground. Riz took this as a way to grab Angel's body and slam him to the ground. Daizee gasped and banged on the fence, "Get up Angel!"

The fighting continued, Riz taking cheap hits at Angel while he was on the ground. Angel grabbed on to Riz's leg and pulled him to the ground. Angel got up and began punching Riz with all his force. Daizee could hear the grunts of pain from Riz and could see the muscles in Angel's arm react to the force of hitting him.

"That's enough." Bishop said, and Hank nodded. A gun shot finished the fight, and Angel and Riz separated. They looked at each other before hugging it out and stepping out of the ring. Angel's eyes immediately went to look for Daizee. He stumbled over to her and she grabbed his arm, putting it around her shoulder.

"Clean me up?" He asked her. Daizee nodded and took him inside.

She sat him down on the couch and went to go get the first aid kit. When she came back, she started to clean his face first. Angel watched as her green eyes studied the cut on his face before her soft hands began cleaning it. He reached his bandaged covered hand out and placed it on her thigh as she worked. When Angel was all clean, he got dressed in his black button up and kutte. 

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