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The sun was beating down as Daizee rode her bike into the town she grew to love. It didn't change much, the big water tower in the center of the town welcomed her back. She got disapproving looks from the old ladies as she revved her bike down main street. She passed the familiar shops, and nodded to the owners as she passed. Daizee made mental notes that she would have to come back, and say hello the people she passed by.

The gate to the yard opened up as drove closer to it. The familiar look of scrap and bikes drew a smile to her face. She didn't realize how much she had missed it. Daizee parked her bike by the others and stretched out after she dismounted it. The drive down the Santo Padre was only 6 hours from where she was at currently.

Daizee took a deep breath before walking up to the green club house. She was terrified to be there. It had been so long since she had stepped foot into the yard, let alone into the clubhouse. This mission was scarier than some of the other missions she was assigned. Before she could even step on the front porch, the door opened, and three men in kuttes walked out standing in front of her.

Daizee stood at attention while the three men looked her up and down. To them, this was unbelievable that she had grown up so quick. She should still be the little girl who would squeal anytime her father took her for a bike ride, or playing hide-and-go-seek in the scrap yard with the other boys.

"Welcome back, sailor." Hank said coming down off the porch to hug her. She smiled and hugged him back. Daizee took a deep breath and relaxed.

"You know damn well I take offense to that." Daizee said back to him, and pulled away from the hug.

"Daizee, it's good to see you." Taza said and clapped the girl on her back.

"I hear we have business to discuss." Bishop said, and Daizee nodded.

"Yes sir, I have a proposition. I wanted to make it while the other's weren't here. I know the decision requires a full table vote, but I'd rather have it up for vote without me sitting outside the Templo." Daizee said to them. They all looked at each other, and Hank nodded.

"Very well. Templo, boys." Bishop says and Daizee followed the men inside.

To Daizee, the club house hadn't changed at all in 6 years. It still smelled like nicotine and booze. She kissed her fingers and pressed them to the Virgin Mary stature that wore around of bullets around her neck. The memories of being in the clubhouse flooded back into her mind, some of them good, and some of them she wanted to forget.

Daizee was happy that none of the guys were here. Just some weird guy who didn't have any fingers. She looked at him, and he smiled at her. She smiled back and then kept following the men.

"Hey, Taza, what's his story?" Daizee asked, nodding to the strange man.

"Won him in a card game. Little goofy in the head, his name is Chucky. Has a chronic masturbation syndrome." Taza explained. She creased her eyebrows in confusion. She had heard of a lot of strange things, seen strange things, but this, was added to the top chart.

"Chucky, if any of the guys show up, send them away. Don't tell them why. Understand?" Bishop said to him.

"Yes sir, mister Obispo, sir!" Chucky said and walked out of the clubhouse out to the yard. Daizee just shook her head, he was someone she would grow to like.

Daizee followed the men into Templo and shut the door. They all took their respective seats at the table; Bishop at the head, Taza to his left, and Hank on the left side of Taza. Daizee stood at the other side of the table, with her body in parade rest. To her, it felt like being in front of her lieutenants again.

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