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-7 years ago, Stockton Prison-

Daizee sat at the table shaking her leg, and playing with the ring on her finger. Other people were in the large room she was in. Loved ones and inmates in blue jumpsuits talked and cried about wanting them to go home together.

The door in the corner of the room opened and Daizee jumped seeing an now more muscular Ezekiel Reyes walk in. Daizee stood up and smiled weakly at EZ. The look on his face showed he was confused that it was her. They both sat down and looked at each other.

"I thought..., it's you." He said. Daizee hid her hands under the table so he couldn't see her ring.

"Yeah, it's me. Not expecting me?" Daizee said faking her hurt feelings.

"If i'm being honest, I was expecting my brother or... How are you?"

"I should be asking you that. Are you roiding now?"

EZ laughed and shook his head, "No. Not much to do here but work out and read shitty literature."

"I'm sorry for this EZ."

"I feel like you're the only cop in a 100 mile radius that still likes me." EZ said honestly. He scratched the back of his head and could see the guard on the other side of the room staring him down.

"I'm just an MP, not a real cop." Daizee assured him, "But I came here to talk to you about something." Daizee brought her hands to the table and EZs eyes looked down at the diamond on her finger.

"That's real?" EZ asked.

"Yeah. Happened a couple months ago. I've been trying to get to you but you've shut yourself off." Daizee said.

"Emily's pregnant."

"What? No she's not, she..."

Daizee stopped talking when EZ looked up at her. He had tears in his eyes and Daizee shook her head. He didn't know what Emily did. Emily hasn't told him, and Daizee wasn't going to be the one to say anything.

"When's the wedding?"

"There won't be one."

"What?" EZ asked.

"I can't marry him. I can't do it."

"Daizee, what's going on?"

"I'm so scared." Daizee cried. For the first time in his life, Ezekiel Reyes had seen Daizee Azul Ortega cry. And he could do nothing to comfort her.

"I... I'm being deployed. 3 years over seas, I don't know what'll happen. The wedding is in a couple weeks because of my deployment date. All I can think of is coming home and seeing him like my... my..." Daizee shook her head and wiped her face.

EZ looked at the young girl and saw the love and fear in her eyes. He reached his hand across the table and grabbed Daizee's. Daizee looked at EZ and EZ gave a small smile.

"You do what you need to. I'll stand by you no matter what."

"Thank you EZ, I'm sorry for..."

"Time to go inmate." The guard said and walked over behind EZ. EZ sighed and stood up, the guard cuffed his hands back together.

"Please write me. Be safe Daze." EZ said.

"I promise I will. Be safe EZ."

EZ flashed a hopeful smile and was led back by the guards. Daizee sighed and buried her head in her hands. She closed her eyes trying to help stop the tears in her eyes.

"That your man?" A voice said. Daizee looked up and saw a woman in a black leather jacket. She had black hair with blonde streaks in it. A very noticeable scar ran down her sternum.

"No. He's not." Daizee said sighing.

"Good. Cause I saw the baby mamma in her last month. The name is Gemma."

"Daizee Gal... Ortega." Daizee said catching herself. She had gotten used to using the Galindo last name to get herself through college.

"Your man in the MC?"

"Yeah. He is."

"Oh babygirl." She said and leaned closer to Daizee, "I'm gonna be real honest with ya. Girls like you, soft and pretty, will get used up and spit out by these boys. You look smart, going to college?"

Daizee looked down at her UC-Santa Barbra sweatshirt, "Yeah. Engineering."

"Smart, pretty and soft. This life, it'll kill you. You need to get out while you still can, sweetheart. That boy will hate you less if you leave now."

"Gemma, what if i can't." Daizee said honestly, "What if this life follows me?"

"Then stay away from this life. Stay far away. Once you leave, don't come back. Or it'll be your death. Seen too many young girls like you be killed cause of some good dick."

Daizee nodded and Gemma got up from the table. Gemma took one last look at Daizee before going to sit at her own table. Daizee took in Gemmas words, she looked like she meant business. Like she knew the life Daizee was getting herself into.

The door to the visitation room opened, and a young man with blonde hair and blue eyes walked through the door. He sat at the table across from Gemma. The two of them fell in to talk as Daizee collected herself.

The girl sighed and stood up from the table. Gemma glanced her way and stopped her before she could leave.

"If he really loves you, he'll let you go. It's when he doesn't, that you'll have to take drastic measures." Gemma said, and Daizee nodded- no words left for her to say. Daizee gave Gemma a soft smile before walking out of the room.

"Who is she?" The man across from Gemma asked.

"Oh, just some girl who's man is in bars. Have you seen Tara?"

"Yeah she brought Able by."

"That's good. So what do you know about Galindo Juniors Sister."

"Nothing much. Why?"

"Oh nothing, Jax."

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