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"Anyone see the girl?" Bishop asked as they all sat around a fire pit.

It had been hours since Daizee had left the lot in a hurry. Angel, Coco, and EZ had returned from their trip over the border. A trip that had turned into a shit show with the Policia showing up. They captured Angel and demanded a ransom for his freedom as well as the Afghani-Nationals that Cole wanted. They hadn't told Bishop anything about them being over the border, just said that they all had family stuff.

"Nah, not since this morning. Left in a hurry." Coco said smoking a cigarette.

"She's your prospect," Taza said.

"I'll call her." Coco said and walked around from the group to call Daizee. He tried calling her three times, every time going to voicemail, which wasn't like her. "Not answering. I think something's up Bish, she ain't like this."

Angel sat up straighter in his chair and looked at Coco. He was right, it wasn't like Daizee. Bishop looked around at Angel and noticed his body language.

"Fine, take a ride by her house." Bishop said. "Taza, go with them."

Taza nodded and followed Angel and Coco to Daizee's house. Angel was the first off his bike and to the door. When he found it unlocked, he got worried. He pulled his gun out and opened the door further. The house was the same as it was when he was there the other night. He flicked the light on, and Angel and Taza were right behind him.

"Go clear the upstairs, Coco take the back, I got the outside and garage." Taza said and headed outside. The three of them split up and tried to search for Daizee.

Coco found nothing downstairs, but dishes in the sink and pictures on the fridge of her family. The outside and garage were clear as well. Taza walked back into the house with his head down discouraged about not finding anything. Angel stomped down the stairs and had the same luck.

"Where could she be?" Coco asked as Angel's phone rang. Angel looked confused at the ID but answered it.

"Pop?" Angel asked.

"I know you're at Daizee's but I just got a call. She's at the hospital. It sounds bad." Felipe said to his son, "I told EZ, he's on his way, with I'm guessing the rest of the club."

Angel was frozen. He didn't understand what his father meant. He hung up the phone and looked at his brothers. Angel sat down on the stairs to gather his thoughts before talking.

"She's in the hospital, it's bad. I guess." Angel said. Coco looked back at Taza and Angel.

"Go, she's your prospect. I'll have Creep come get us in the van."

Coco nodded and took off towards the hospital. He ran into the hospital and asked what room she was in. The doctors wouldn't like him back, because he wasn't family. They were too busy trying to get a hold of her brother.

Emily was frantic. She was trying to find a way to get to the hospital to see Daizee. She had gotten a call saying she was attacked. Miguel told her it was probably to do with the MC, and that she didn't need to be in that mess. Emily fought back saying she needed to go, it was Miguel's only living sibling. Miguel finally gave in and agreed to taking her.

Miguel cursed when he pulled up to the hospital and saw bikes outside. He knew it was a dumb mistake to leave her outside of the hospital. He knew that they would have showed up eventually. Nestor parked the car and Miguel and Emily walked into the hospital. Miguel kept his eyes down when he walked past the MC.

"Hi, we're here for Daizee Ortega, I'm. . . her brother." Miguel sighed and the doctor nodded.

"We'll lead you back to see her once she's stable. They have a burn specialist in there taking care of her burns." The doctor said.

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