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-9 years ago-
*Daizee and EZ are 21*
*Angel is 26*

The night sky was filled with stars, as Daizee stood in the backyard of her parents house. She hadn't been back in the house in years, not since she had found her parents cut into pieces. To her, there was still blood stains in the carpet and the coppery smell in the air. But to everyone else, the house had been cleaned and redone to make it ready to sell. The only person who stood in the way of the house selling was Daizee.

"Daze?" Angel asked, opening the sliding door.

Daizee turned around and smiled at the man walking out to her. The relationship between the two was new, fresh and young. Angel had been her first everything. Angel loved knowing that he was the only man that had been able to touch her, to love her. He wanted to be that only man for the rest of her life.

"What are you doing mamas?" Angel asked, wrapping her up in his arms. It was chilly for a November night in Santo Padre, one of the very few desert nights that slipped below 50 degrees.

"Just thinking of what I am going to do with this ghost house." Daizee answered, "I can't seem to want to get rid of it."

"I understand. Everything seems like it was cleaned up."

Daizee nodded and took Angel's arms that were around her neck, and placed his hands on her growing belly. Angel smiled, feeling the small growing bump. He couldn't stop touching her after they found out she was expecting. To him, this was the only thing he wanted in life, a family. A real family that would love him. His mom was beyond excited to be a grandma as well, spending every waking second sewing and buying new things for the soon-to-be parents.

The quiet moment between the two was interrupted by a shrill ring from Angel's phone. He groaned, pushing away from her to answer his phone.

"What, bro. Whoa, whoa slow the fuck down. Where are- What? No, no, where are you? Okay, I'm on my way." Daizee watched Angel's face go from confused to broken in a matter of seconds. Angel hung up the phone and looked up at the sky, trying to hold himself together, "My uh. . . my mom's dead."

Daizee's mouth fell open, "What?"

"I gotta go." Angel said turning on his heel and walking out of the backyard.

"Angel, wait! What's going on? What happened?!" Daizee asked, following him through the small house.

"Just stay here." He mumbled.

"No, talk to me! What happened!"

"JUST STAY THE FUCK HERE!" He yelled in her face. Angel had tears running down his face, and Daizee's heart broke. She gently placed her hand on his cheek, to wipe the tears, but Angel pushed her hand off of him and walked out the door closing it with a slam.

Daizee swallowed hard, looking around at the house that seemed too small and the copper blood smell seemed to be stronger than ever. Daizee couldn't stay in the house, all she could see was her dad's body in pieces in the kitchen, or her mom's green eyes starring back at her. Daizee felt her throat tightening and knew she had to get out of the house, before she completely lost it.

Daizee's feet were moving on autopilot and ended up at the Reyes' front door. Cars were parked in the driveway, some Daizee recognized as family, others as friends. The house was full of people there giving their respects to Felipe and the boys. Daizee's eyes landed on Angel, who was staring holes into her body.

"I thought I told you to stay at home?" He asked, walking up to her.

"I can't stay there. I need to be-"

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