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Daizee sat on the couch watching Emily pace around. She knew something was up, she had heard Emily on the phone calling someone late at night. Even though they had become closer since Daizee had her miscarriage, Emily was still giving her the cold shoulder. Daizee didn't dare to ask what had crawled up Emily's ass, but she knew she could ask someone for some dirt on the blonde girl. 

"How is Marcus?" Daizee asked her brother. 

"Better. Still healing. And Nestor is doing well too." Miguel smirked, knowing what the girl's next question would be. Daizee scoffed and shook her head. 

"I've got to go," Daizee said pushing off of her seat, "Oh and I'm going to start sleeping at my house again. So please, no security detail posted up outside." 

"No promises, hermana." Miguel smiled and Daizee rolled her eyes, "See you later." 

Dita watched the siblings from the other side of the glass wall. Daizee and Miguel had seemed to bury the burned and broken hatchet, while Dita just couldn't get over it. It wasn't that Dita hated Daizee, she had longed for a little girl and when she finally got to raise one, she was happy. Dita was envois of Daizee and her mother. Dita envied that her husband had worshiped the ground that Miranda Ortega walked on. Envied that he had showered his only daughter in beautiful dresses, jewels, shoes, and whatever else Daizee needed or wanted. Envied that her husband had asked to speak to Daizee, as he laid on his death bed. 

"Daizee back to her normal self?" Dita asked as she walked into the kitchen with her son. 

"As normal as she'll ever be." Miguel sighed and set down the coffee cup in his hand, "Do you remember a time where papi was ever. . . upset about Daizee? I know that he had tried to hide her but over time he simply didn't find the need to do that. Was he ever upset at her parents or at her?" 

"Not that I can recall. Why do you ask?" 

"It's nothing. Daizee has been doing some digging into her parents murder. She had come across some stuff when she was fixing up the house and had asked me if I knew anything." Miguel said and Dita felt her blood run cold, "I remember how distraught she was when she came her. Her and papi both were." 

"Your father always loved her mother. Everyone could see it. Of course he was going to be upset when she had fallen in love with his best man. There was nothing he could do. But murder was not something he would've gone with." Dita simply said, and left the conversation at that. She left the room and headed down towards her bedroom. She had now felt like there was a target on her back. 

Angel hadn't sat in the small kitchen with his father for a long time. The last time was when he broke down in tears over Daizee leaving. He could remember it clear as day. And yet again, he was back with another Daizee problem. But this time it was his fault. This time, he didn't know how to fix what he had broken. 

Felipe had known what happened between his eldest son and the sweet girl from across the street. EZ had called him the night Daizee went to the hospital. Felipe's heart had broken hearing that she had lost yet another child. He prayed that she didn't have to go through the pain of losing another one. He also prayed for guidance. When Sixto and Miranda died, Felipe vowed to do whatever it took to keep their sweet daughter out of harm. He felt like he failed when Daizee had her heartbroken by some dumb boy in her junior year, and now he felt utterly helpless when she had lost another child. 

"You been out to Saint Maria's lately?" Angel asked, looking at the colorful urn that sat on a cabinet in the small kitchen. 

"Every other Tuesday with fresh flowers." Felipe answered, "Roses for your mom, and daisies for your daughter." 

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