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Daizee paced around the waiting room, waiting for Coco to be dismissed. She had 17 stitches in her cheek, from a shard of glass that had been buried into her skin. She had wished she had done more to protect Coco. The man would easily lay down his life for her, and she couldn't even stop him from being burned. She was also beating herself up for Riz being shot too, but Bishop assured her, nothing she could've done would've stopped the attack on them.

"Johnny. . ." Daizee said, as Angel wheeled him around the corner. She ran to him and hugged him tightly. Coco hugged her back and ran his hands through her hair. He pulled back and looked at the new scar that would be added to her face.

"Fucking shit. Always have to be superman." He said and Daizee smiled.

"I could've done more. I left my battle buddies behind-"

"No, you did enough. I'm getting tired of visiting you in a hospital bed. Now, you can repay me for those 3 weeks you made me sleep on my couch," Coco laughed and Daizee just shook his head.

"He got the good shit, so he's doped up right now." Gilly said and Daizee nodded.

"What did the doctor say?" Daizee asked. 

"About 60 percent in the left eye, 20 in the right. Think it could come back, need to see a specialist to see what's up."

Daizee had rode back early with EZ so she could pick up Leti and bring her to the clubhouse. Leti was visibly shaken by hearing about her father. Daizee tried to assure her the best she could that Coco was going to be okay, but even Daizee didn't believe that.

"You know you can talk to me," Daizee said as she looked over at the teen girl.

"Is it normal to want to hate Coco for this?" Leti asked.

Daizee sighed and nodded, "Yeah, it is. I remember when Angel got locked up the first time, I hated him. But I had to look at the big picture, he wasn't dead. I wasn't planning a funeral for him. I didn't have to tell Felipe that his son had been killed."

"That's true. I guess this is the first time I've been close to losing a parent. I mean, I consider you like my mom, but it's different." Leti said as the girls pulled on to the Mayans lot.

"It's blood. That's why it hurts more and scares you more." Daizee responded, "He'll be okay, Leti. I promise."

Leti nodded and began to follow Daizee to the clubhouse. Coco's face lit up as he saw the two females walk into the clubhouse. Leti froze for a second, before Daizee nudged her to go to her father. She ran to him and hugged him tightly. Angel got up from his seat next to his friend and walked over to Daizee.

"Shit, oh my god," Leti said looking at her fathers face. Coco looked at his daughter before stepping out of the clubhouse, Leti following him.

"I'll stay close," Daizee said but Hank stopped her.

"No. You'll heal, and stand down. Tired of you always getting hurt. Mayans insurance don't cover that much," Hank said to her. Daizee smiled and shook her head, "Angel, youre on Daizee duty. Tend and care to her."

"Well if that's the case, I want a vodka tonic please" Daizee smiled up at Angel.

"You're literally the devil." Angel said shaking his head and walked over to the bar. Once he was out of earshot, Daizee asked Hank what happened in Templo.

"I'll reach out to Taza and Creeper and get their proxies. We'll vote on retaliation this afternoon." Hank said and Daizee nodded. Hank gave her a quick hug and then walked over to wear the president went for a smoke.

Daizee sighed and took a seat at one of the barstools. Angel set her drink in front of her, and cracked open a beer for himself. There was a comfortable silence between them, and for the first time, it felt as if all the tension between them had been washed away. Maybe it took last nights attack for Angel to realize how quick his life could change. He realized, there was no since in holding back and waiting.

"Marry me." Angel spoke and Daizee choked on her drink.

"What?" Daizee asked coughing.

"Marry me."

"Like me? As in Daizee marry you, as in Angel?"

"Yes, dumbass. Marry me."

Daizee sighed and set the glass in her hand down. It wasn't that she didn't want to marry Angel. Ask her a couple months ago, and she would've been already down the aisle. But now, things have changed. Daizee wasn't sure who she wanted. When she dreamed of her wedding at night, it was no longer the same person she had pictured.

"Angel, I can't." Daizee said simply, and could see the hurt in Angels eyes, "It's not that I don't love you, because I do. It's... you lied to me. For almost 9 months, you lied to me. You had a baby, something that I've always wanted, with another woman. And then, you couldn't even be man enough and tell me straight up that it was yours. You know how fucking dumb I looked that day?" Daizee said, her voice cracking.

Angel hung his head, they hadn't ever talked about the Adelita situation until now. It was still fresh for all of them, but there was no time like the present to talk about it.

"I thought I was protecting you," Angel said lowly, "I thought that if I never said it was mine, you wouldn't be heartbroken."

"Well that's fucking false." Daizee spat, "For 9 months, you heard me talking about starting a family. Different methods to be able to have what we used to talk about for hours underneath the stars in your parents backyard. And the whole time, you had already had that with another woman. Tell me this Angel, those nights when you said you were on a run... you with her?"

Angel looked down at his boots and nodded. He heard Daizee scoff and move the glass in front of her around. It broke her to finally hear the truth, but it's what she needed to move on.

"Angel, I love you. I really do, but I can't marry you." Daizee said honestly.

"It's Nestor... isn't it?" Angel asked the green eyed girl.

"No. It's me. I need to learn to love myself, before I can love someone else. Like Hank said, I need to heal and stand down." Daizee said and Angel nodded.

"Tell me this, what did Adelita mean when she said that you had a promise to keep to her." Angel asked the girl.

"That I can't disclose that." Daizee shrugged and got up from her barstool.

"Just know that I love you Daizee. And I'm gonna do everything I can to marry you."

i missed you lil babies🥺 thanks for all the kind messages and notes while I was in training. Finally got to my duty station and on assignment, and have WIFI!!
Sorry for the short update, but i tried to get it out asap!!! There will be more Nestor/Angel/Daizee drama to come, just you wait!!

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