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Angel laughed to himself, when he walked up to see Daizee sitting on an old park table, laying on her back and looking up at the stars. He stopped at the table and Daizee turned her head to look at him. She blushed too, pulling herself up from her position. 

"Remember this table?" Daizee said running her hands over the carving of initials in the table. 

"I remember what happened after we left this table." Angel laughed and sat down next to her. 

"Last time we leave Coco to watch the area." Daizee shook her head and Angel nudged her, "Sorry about the whole house thing." 

"It ain't my house you burned down. But you okay?" 

"I will be now. I guess I'm just running from my demons like EZ said. Probably on his fucking hit list now. I just. . . I can't do it anymore. I buried my mother, father, and baby. I don't want to go through this shit anymore." 

"I get it. I really do. You've come along way Daze, I'm proud of you." Angel said looking at the girl. She smiled at him and pat his leg, "Ya know some day, I still wanna make you my old lady." 

"And some day I want to own a million dollars. Keep holding on to that dream." Daizee said and jumped off the table, "Goodnight Angel." 

"Goodnight, mi amor." 

Daizee shook her head and walked towards her jeep. Miguel had agreed to let her stay in the guest house until they can build her a new one. She walked in to the pristine white mansion and kicked off her muddy boots at the front door. Daizee walked out to where the pool was and looked across the never forgiving desert. A cold breeze sent shivers down her body as her phone dinged. 

'The Weird White Guy: the little gift was born' 

'Bishop: Riz is dead.'

"Fucking shit."

Daizee was up early, well, she didn't really sleep at all. The message she had received last burnt a hole in her phone. She didn't even know where to start, she didn't even know what was really going to happen. All she knew, was that her life was going to change, in a very big way. 

"I came as quick as you messaged me, what's up?" Miguel said walking in the door of the house. 

"I'll buy the house from you." Daizee said looking at her brother, "I- We don't have time and resources to build a new house, when you have this one that really doesn't get used."

"Nestor lives here too." Miguel said. 

"That's fine. Totally okay with me." 

"You're being weird." 

"Miguel, just please, I will explain all I can as soon as I can. Just let me live here." Daizee pleaded with her brother. 

He looked at her for a second and then nodded his head, "Okay, you're being weird, but I believe you. Just. . . you're not in trouble are you?" 

"Not this time." Daizee laughed and Miguel shook his head. 

After Daizee pulled some stuff out of storage, and started placing it in her new room. She got dressed and headed to Vicki's house. She hadn't responded or talked to anyone since she got the message about Riz last night. She was surprised she didn't have a missed call from Angel or Coco, following up with her. But she thought that they were all busy doing their own thing to deal with the news of Riz's death. 

Daizee parked her emerald green bike next to everyone else's was. Angel was waiting for her and walked up to hug her, as soon as her boots hit the ground. Daizee grunted at the force of Angel hugging her. 

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