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Angel had managed to make his way through every woman that worked in Vicki's house. Each and every one, no matter how disgusting they seemed. He had moved on from Vicki's house to Tinder, which wasn't even better. He know had a usual woman that he had invited over when it was too lonely in the house he built for him and Daizee. But none of them could replace or fix the whole in his heart. As Angel plowed his way through another woman, he couldn't even bother to look at her face, her eyes weren't the electric green ones he fell in love with years ago.

"Fuck, daddy." The girl moaned, which only seemed to piss of Angel more. Angel thrusted again, as the girl let out another obniouxiously loud moan.

"Get the fuck out." He said, pulling out of her and laying on his bike.


"Get the fuck out!" He yelled and stood up from the bed, pulling the blankets off of her, "Go! Get fucking lost!"

The girl grabbed her clothes quickly and ran outside of the house. Angel slammed the door and locked it. The girl turned around and banged on the door, begging Angel to let her in. Angel sighed and sat down on the floor by the front door. He didn't know how much longer he could fill the void like this. Angel grabbed his phone, that he had left in the front living room and opened his messages. The green message bubbles had all been undelivered for months now. Angel sighed and took a chance and typed a message on the screen.

'I hope you are doing well. I miss you.'

Angel watched as the message had turned blue, and it being delivered. He sat up straighter, seeing that his number was finally unblocked. He watched as the three typing bubbles popped up on the screen and then disappeared. Angel's heart was beating fast. He knew that she had seen it, she wanted to respond, but maybe she didn't know how.

Leti was surprised when she the address she was sent led to a big White House in the middle of the red desert. She didn't think it was actually Daizee's, until she noticed the white jeep in the front driveway. She cautiously got out of her car, worried that some security guard may come tackle her.

"Oh my god!" Daizee exclaimed running out of the house, barefoot, like usual, "You cut your hair."

"You got tattoos." Leti said, noticing the bird that was tattooed on her tan skin, "Where have you been? Living like Princess Mayan on big brother's land?"

"Coco didn't tell you?" Daizee asked.

"Coco doesn't say a lot these days," Leti said looking at her feet, "Can I come in?"

Daizee bit her lip and nodded. Leti would be the first person outside of their small bubble to see the secret that has been living in their house for the past 8 months. Daizee led the girl inside the house and sighed at the baby toys and clothes that were scattered across the home.

"Emily's kid here?" Leti asked.

"Not. . . exactly." Daizee said as Nestor walked into the room carrying Mateo, "It's a long story."

"Good thing I've got time, since I don't go to school anymore." Leti said and made her way towards the couch in the living room.

Daizee talked to Leti for almost 3 hours, about leaving the club, Nestor, Mateo, the Adelita situation. Leti's brain was almost fried, listening to everything that Daizee had been hiding for the past 8 months. She had been living in a castle while everyone else was struggling. Leti told Daizee about what had been going on in Santo Padre with the border shut down, and about Coco's new found drug addiction, and about Angel.

"I had no. . . I had been locked in this house for months." Daizee said standing up from the couch, "It's really all that bad?"

"The town is literally shit. Can't afford the garbage collection." Leti said, "Someone. . . broke into your family's old paint store. I asked Angel what they took. . . but he didn't say anything. He tries to avoid the 'you' topic at all costs."

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