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Daizee was helping locate numbers on the map, when Bishop and Miguel both got a text from Marcus. Coco had narrowed down that the number for the fake towing company could be traced to farm land on the other side of the boarder. It made them even more aware that they could be dealing with Hobart on his own revenge mission, since he took Marcus over the boarder.

"I strange fucking text, 'For the Molino twins. Call burner-"

"Very important job, from MA." Miguel said cutting Bishop off.

"MA has to be Marcus Alverez, but who the fuck are the Molino twins." Bishop asked.

It was silent for a second, before Angel spoke up, "Windmill." Daizee looked at him with a questionable look on her face, "What? You made me read fucking Don Quixote. Molino means windmill in Spanish."

"Turbines." Daizee said and already began searching for farm properties that had turbines or wind power sources near them.

It didn't take her long to find it, giving the numbers to her brother and club president. Once they secured the location, they began to load up their bikes and Daizee's jeep. With Miguel helping with the mission, there was no way in hell Daizee was going to be able to go with them. Daizee put up a fight, until she realized it wasn't going to get her anywhere. She stocked up the warehouse, and had Juice run medical supplies back to the clubhouse. If she was going to help someone, she could help by getting supplies ready.

"You okay with this? Big brother taking you out of commission?" Coco asked the girl.

"No, but I don't have any fight left in me to kick his ass." Daizee said, watching her brother point out things on the map, "Just make sure, you put a bullet in to those bastards heads."

"You know me, perfect aim." Coco smirked and Daizee shook her head, "Yo mans coming this way."

"What? I don't-"

"You're not even going to try and sneak on to this one?" Nestor asked Daizee. Daizee smiled and put down the bandage roll in her hand.

"You should be the one staying back. Still bleeding from that cut," Daizee said and softly touched the laceration on his face. Nestor hissed at the pain and grabbed her wrist, "Maybe we should switch spots. Put that hair down and wear some tight jeans and boots and you'd look just like me. With less ass of course."

"Nestor, quit talking, let's go," Miguel said and Nestor rolled his eyes.

"Don't dare disobey big brother. He knows where you live." Daizee sassed.

"And I know where you live." Nestor joked back, "I'll see you back."

"In one piece this time." Daizee said and Nestor gave her a mock salute before heading off with the rest of the group.

"You sure do move on quickly." Angel grumbled, walking by Daizee.

"I wasn't the one who kept a fucking baby with another woman a secret for nine months."

Daizee hated waiting. If there was anything she wasn't good at, it was staying at home and waiting for some sort of news. There was a reason why she wasn't a housewife or hadn't given up her life in the hot seat. She was close to pulling her hair out, strand by strand, just for some sort of action.

She hadn't heard from Nestor or Miguel, or anyone for several hours, which made her nervous. Was this how Emily felt when Miguel would leave for days on end? Daizee shook her head and thought to herself, 'I will never ever be a housewife'.

But, being alone did give her time to think. Yeah, she had time to be by herself, but Coco or Let were always on the other side of the door, waiting for the moment to come in and smother Daizee with their affection. She loved the two, She had grown to be almost like a mother figure to the teen girl, but she missed not having to always keep tabs on someone.

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