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That next morning, the crew was up early and already headed through the desert mountains of Sonora. Angel was dead set on going to warn some group before it was too late. Daizee sat in the back with EZ, as Angel told Coco were to go.

"Can you see how far away they are?" Angel asked EZ, who was tracking someone.

"About three fourths of a mile away." EZ said, and Angel cursed under his breath.

Daizee knew not to ask questions. It was like being on a mission with her platoon. She sat in the back, gun ready if she needed to use it. Coco and Angel had given her sniper duty. Shoot anyone who started to follow them.

The bronco pulled up to what looked like a makeshift camp sight, except no one was there. Coco threw the car in park, and the two in front got out first. Daizee put her gun down, and got out of the back. Slowly, kids and adults started coming out from hiding, most of them wearing masks. Daizee watched the three boys walk towards the group, but she hung on to the gun in her hands.

"There's no signal out there. We tried to give you a heads up." Angel said to a girl. She was tall, and had her long brown hair in a braid. She wore a green jacket and dark pants. The most noticeable thing was tattoo of a bird with a necklace on her neck.

"I know. We'll give you our satellite number," She spoke with a thick accent. She held a gun in her hands, and so did most of the kids. They all placed them their weapons and masks down, "Who's the girl?"

"Prospect. Name's Daizee, ex-Marine. Total badass." Coco said and Daizee turned to look at the woman.

"Habla espanol?" The woman asked Daizee.

"Si, señora." Daizee responded watching the kids go back to whatever it was they were doing before the crew showed up.

"Adelita." The woman introduced herself.

"Daizee Ortega."

Adelita nodded and went back under the tent she was at. The whole area was like a campground, the tent being the central headquarters. Adelita was handed a baby once she was back at the tent. Daizee took a sharp breath realizing who the baby was. Adelita called to one of her group members to take the baby.

"I got him." EZ said, walking towards her. Adelita looked apprehensive, but handed the kid over to him.

"We may have locked down a buyer." Angel spoke to her. Daizee didn't need to ask questions to know what they were talking about. She knew it had to do with the H trade, and the diminished supplies that were around them.

Over in the distance, Daizee heard Cristobal start to cry. She quietly snuck off from the group and over to EZ. The man looked down at the baby with such love in his eyes. It made Daizee wonder if he ever saw himself as being a father. She remembers how broken Emily was she found out she was pregnant when EZ was in jail. She never knew how EZ felt about everything.

"You're a natural." Daizee said coming over to EZ.

"Thanks. It's kind of like, holding a chunk of meat in your hands." EZ joked.

"Ew, way to ruin a cute moment." Daizee laughed.

Angel watched the interaction of Daizee and EZ, barely listening to what Adelita had to say. He didn't know if he was in love with the way Daizee held Cristobal in her arms, or jealous of how easily Daizee and EZ got along. Or, how much they looked like a happy couple with a baby. Adelita noticed Angel's behavior and walked off towards the two.

"No crying, little prince." She said and caressed Cristobal's head.

"He needs his mother." Daizee said. Adelita looked up at the girl prospect and glared at her.

Out Of The DustOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz