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Daizee was stocking boxes in the back room when EZ walked in. She looked up at him and smiled, going back to work. They really hadn't talked since the last time he had snuck away to Daizee's house. He couldn't help but get jealous at how close her and Angel had been in the last couple weeks.

"Pops has invited us over tonight, fit some pieces of the puzzle together." EZ said and Daizee sighed, setting a crate of fireball down.

"I- I don't really. . . I don't want to know anymore." Daizee said and EZ looked at her confused, "I can't know anymore. . ."

"We are so close to finally knowing what happened and you want to back out now? What the fuck, Daizee?"

"I can't! I can't fucking do it anymore, Ezekiel!" Daizee shouted and slammed another create down, "You don't even know how much this is fucking with me-"

"I don't know? I don't fucking know?" EZ said getting in her face, "My mother was murdered, your parents were murdered and the person who did it has been under our noses this whole fucking time! And you are choosing now to pussy out of this!?"

"My mother was chopped into pieces. My father's body was found in 3 different rooms. I haven't been able to sleep for months. Every time I close my fucking eyes, I see my parents. I can't fucking sleep, I can't fucking eat. Don't call me a pussy for not wanting to keep reliving the worst moment of my life, Ezekiel." Daizee pushed past EZ and headed out of the storage room.

Daizee stood in the middle of her art room, well, her mother's art room. She hadn't been able to sleep in the house since they started digging up history about what had happened to her parents. Every time she walked in the house, she was hit with the overwhelming smell of the thick coppery scent of that day. She knew it was all in her head, but it still terrified her to be in the house alone.

Daizee lit a cigarette, and took a deep drag. Pretty much everything she wanted was out of the house. The only thing that sat in the house still was the fournature, and her quince picture. She also had a small picture of her and happy left in the house too.

The gas can sat next to her foot as she looked around the art room and puffed on the cigarette. She sighed, and took one last glance around the room. She grabbed the gas can and turned on her heel, but made sure to throw the cigarette over her shoulder.

The sunset was Daizee's favorite thing. The orange, red, pink and hint of purple, made her feel warmth and happiness. She also felt warmth and happiness from the bottle of fireball that was in her hand. The colors made the red of the desert canyon pop out even more. At this point in time, her whole house was probably smoldering in ashes. And there wasn't an ounce her body that felt regret about burning that cursed place to the ground. She knew the risks of committing arson, but she didn't care.

Daizee looked down at her black boot clad feet and kicked them out in front of her. She was sitting on the hood of her white jeep, a recent gift from her brother. Her phone laid in the drivers seat, buzzing like crazy from different people. She could see Nestor's, Miguel's, EZ's, Angel's and even Felipe's caller picture id pop up on her phone. But she couldn't be bothered.

The only thing that did bother her was the sound of a car pulling up into her sacred spot. And there was only one person who knew where she would've run off too. Daizee kept looking straight, and heard the drive of the vehicle walk towards her.

"Want some more? Brought JD, since you're into this whole burning into shit." Nestor said and leaned up against the jeep hood. Daizee looked at him and grabbed the bottle he offered her, "Want to explain why your house is smoldering?"

"Hmm, wonder who did that?"

"The same person that has a 6 and a half boot size." Nestor said and Daizee looked down at her boots, "No prints. And Miguel is gonna cover this up so there is no need to worry about this."

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