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Daizee woke up in one of Angels shirts, and Coco's arm around her waist. After her little make out session with Angel, shots were pounded and a serpent tattoo stained the skin on her thigh. She gently moved Coco's arm and slipped out from him.

Daizee held a cigarette between her fingers and she listened to the birds chirping above her. The cool breeze waved through her hair as she looked over the parking lot.

"You're up early." Coco said as he joined her on the balcony, "Don't like my cuddles, anymore?" He fake pouted and lit a cigarette.

"I still love your cuddles, short-ass. Just an early riser is all."

"I get that. Military shit is drilled into our heads." Coco laughed and sat down, "Patch things up?"

"Kind of. I just feel... different. Things have shifted."

"No shit."


"Sorry, bonita. Continue," Coco laughed as she used his full name, "The shift. What do you mean?"

"It's girl stuff."

"You're pregnant!"

"Johnny, no."

"Daizee's pregnant?!" Gilly said joining their conversation. "Whoa is it..."

"I am not pregnant." Daizee said standing up. "But I am going to shower."

Daizee changed into a pair of jeans and a flannel and joined the guys ready to leave. She had agreed to ride back with Angel. Her hands were wrapped tightly around his waist as he would purposely go faster around curves. She let out a small squeal, and Angel's face lit up in a big smile. It was a bit of happiness in his heavy mind.

When they got back to Santo Padre, there was an immediate Templo to talk about Galindo's deal. Daizee was instructed to go to her brother's house to handle some business.

"Come back tonight, Daze. Redwood is coming down." Bishop said.

"RedWood? Charming?" Daizee said. Marcus couldn't help but chuckle at the girls expression, he knew that the Redwood patch held a special place in her heart.

"Yes. And before you ask, he's on his way down too." Marcus said and Daizee couldn't stop smiling.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll be back pres." Daizee said and walked over to her bike. She started it up and headed out towards the Galindo property.

"We need to discuss our next move with her. Her brother basically owns us now." Taza said to Bishop and Marcus.

"She's still a prospect for the Mayans Motorcycle Club. Galindo or not, that girl has true blood running through her veins." Marcus said and Bishop nodded. "Templo!"

Daizee was pulling her gloves off when the large brown door was pulled open. Hurried footsteps walked right to the biker and a harsh slap was delivered across her face. Daizee grunted in pain and held her burning cheek.

"Niña ingrato!" Dita seethed, "Tienes idea de lo que has hecho!"

"Dita!" Emily yelled as she ran down the steps to Daizee, "Back off!" Nestor was watching the altercation from the doorway. Daizee shrugged Emily off and made her way to her brother.

"She cut you." Nestor said stopping Daizee and holding her face in his hand, "You okay?"

"There's business to discuss." Daizee said, her green eyes looking into his dark ones, "Donde esta mi hermano?"

"La oficina." Nestor said and led the girl down to his office. Nestor opened the door and let Daizee walk in. He couldn't help but let his eyes wonder to her hips as they swayed as she walked.

"Daizee, what do I owe this pleasure to?" Miguel asked as he handed her the picture in his hands.

"Holy shit, that's us?" Daizee said smiling down at the picture.

The sun kissed picture showed a young Daizee with her tight curls sprawled out on the sand while a slightly older Miguel sat next to her, all smiles while building a sand castle.

"It is. Probably Cabo, or maybe even the Dominican. We went there a couple times. I also found this..."

Daizee's breath caught in her throat as she held the picture tightly. Her mother's electric green eyes looked back at her. Her father had a bright smile on his face as Daizee sat in the middle of them. A happy family sitting on the doorstep of their small little yellow house.

"Mi papa," Daizee said. Miguel smiled sadly at his little sister.

"You remember that day?"

"I try not to." Daizee said sniffling, "I remember the day I came here and found out we had the same dad. Dita, I could tell was not happy at all. I still think she's the reason why I was raised by the Ortega's."

"She loved you. She was trying to heal from our brothers death, and then you were born." Miguel said putting his arm around her shoulders.

"Did you ever know who killed my parents? Or whatever happened to my biological mother?" Daizee felt Miguel tense at her question, "For the longest time I always blamed dad. I thought he ordered a hit on my parents."

Miguel sighed and walked away from Daizee. He dug through a box of stuff and pulled a file out. He sat it down on the table and Daizee just looked at it.

"He promised me to give this to you when he thought you could handle it. Everything you need to know about you."

Daizee picked up the file that read:

"To mi vida, Daizee Azul Galindo, may the truth be known to you.
~ Te quiero Papa"

Daizee looked up at Miguel who was trying to get a read on Daizee's facials, "How do you feel?"

"I think we have business to discuss." Daizee said and sat down in the chair across from her brother.

Miguel sighed, whenever it came to her parents, it was like hitting a brick wall with Daizee. She never wanted to talk about that day, even though, he knew it would do her good to talk about it. He sat down across from her and the two began their discussion on the new idea Emily brought up to him. 


I am so sorry this chapter sucks. But second semester is making me want to dropout and run away to an MC. I love you all and promise you will get some good quality content in the next chapter. And maybe. . .even a surprise return of a character. 

Until next time loves, 


p.s. where are some of y'all from? My demographics show that you're all from different countries. I'd love to know <3. 

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