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Once again, Emily was seated at Daizee's bedside, waiting for her to wake up. They had rushed Daizee into surgery. Bishop had called Miguel, and he drove like a bat out of hell to get to the hospital. They didn't expect the news they were given at all.

"Ugh. . ." Daizee grunted, her eyes fluttering open.

"Daizee?" Emily asked, sitting closer to her bed, and moving some of the hair out of her face, "Are you in pain?"

"Feels, like a bad ab work out." Daizee said, the anesthesia making words slurred together, "And I'm shaking."

"That's the anesthesia wearing off. I can go get someone to help with the pain." Emily said, but Daizee reached out, to make her stay sitting.

"Please, stay." Daizee said, her eyes opening up a bit more. Daizee was surprised Emily would be at her side, after all the issues between them.

"I'm not going anywhere." Emily said and held Daizee's hand, "Why didn't you tell anyone? How long were you in pain?"

"I could never find the right time to say anything, everyone was worried about different things. I told Hank and Nestor. The pain started a couple days ago, I just thought it was from stress of the Adelita thing. I didn't think it was. . ." A sob escaped her mouth, and Emily moved to hug her. Emily climbed into the bed with Daizee and held her as she cried.

Miguel knocked and entered the room quietly. He was shocked to see his wife and sister, cuddled in the small hospital bed together. Emily's opened up and Miguel smiled at his wife. He hoped that they could work past their issues, and could move on.

"She woke up about an hour ago, and broke down. She didn't say she was in pain, just said it felt like a tough ab work out." Emily said as Miguel sat down in the chair by the bedside.

"Well that's good she's not in too much pain. You ask her about-"

"She said she told Jax, Nestor and Hank. She just thought the pain was stress about Adelita." Emily responded, "Is he here?"

"Yeah, do you think it was his?"

"Yes, I don't think it could be anyone else's. Have you told him?"

"No, I think she needs to tell him."

"Miguel, you can't make her do that. There's obviously a clear reason why she didn't want him to
know." Emily said and Miguel nodded. He knew he couldn't force Daizee to tell anyone, "Maybe you should tell him, or ask her when she wakes up." Emily slowly removed herself from Daizee's side and got out of the bed, "I need to go meet with Pena about the Agra-park. Let me know how everything goes."

Miguel nodded and kissed his wife before she left the room. Daizee sighed and opened her eyes, looking at her brother. She didn't want to talk to him with Emily around, she loved how much Emily was helping, but god she would ask a lot of questions.

"You're awake?" Miguel asked his sister, looking at her green eyes.

"She asks too many questions." Daizee said tiredly. Miguel laughed slightly and shook his head, "Is Adelita okay?"

"We don't know. We're trying to infiltrate the system to figure it out. She'll be okay, Daze, she's a fighter. I'm worried about you, are you okay?" Miguel said honestly. He had never seen his sister get like this. She was always one to make sure that she was of sound mind and body before doing anything.

"I'm okay. I just. . ." Daizee took a deep breath and looked at her brother, "I found out who killed my parents."

"What!?" Miguel said, sitting up straight in his chair, "Who? Did they threaten you?"

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