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Somehow both Daizee and Angel made it into bed with each other and woke up in a tangle of arms and legs. Angel awoke before Daizee did and he silently stared at the ceiling. He wished that Daizee would've just told him what had happened instead of running.

Angel gently slipped away from a sleep Daizee and made his way Angel walked into the bathroom and noticed that the mirror and been covered. He ran his fingers over the brown paper and sighed. He closed the door and started the shower up.

Daizee groaned and rubbed her eyes at the sound of the shower running. She wanted a few more minutes of peace before having to deal with Angel. Daizee got up and went downstairs, deciding to make breakfast.

Angel walked down stairs to see Daizee hurrying about the kitchen, making breakfast. She already had a spread of fruit and bacon on the table, and was busy making french toast and eggs.

"Coffee is fresh. Do you want peppers in your eggs?" Daizee asked as Angel leaned against the doorway.

"Yes please, thanks, amor." Angel said and kissed her cheek before walking over to the coffee pot. Daizee put the finished food on a plate and set it on the table. They sat down and dug in, Angel stuffing his face.

"Did you make enough to eat for an army?" Angel said with a mouth full of food.

"Clearly not enough for you. You've almost cleared the whole table." Daizee laughed and drank from her coffee cup. "I'm going to get ready for the day. On grunt duty today."

Angel nodded and Daizee headed upstairs. He sat back in his chair and reached for the paper on her window sill. He chuckled to himself, he was acting like his old man. Angel shook his head and started reading anyway.

Daizee laid out her jeans and flannel on her bed. Her kutte was hung on the back of her door, and she grabbed it and dusted it off, before putting it next to her outfit. Daizee headed into the bathroom and stripped down.

The water was hot against her skin, but not hot enough for her. Ever since that night, nothing could replace the heat that she felt against her skin. Sometimes, she craved for it. She found herself hovering her hand above the stove burner, not getting close enough to burn, but close enough to feel the heat. Daizee closed her eyes as the water and soap ran down her tan skin and trying to lose the memories of that night.

When Daizee got out of the shower, she dressed quickly and stomped down the stairs in her boots. Angel was sitting on the couch, with her cat, Reaper, in his lap. The old black cat purred loudly as Angel scratched his ears.

"Can't believe that old hag still remembers you." Daizee chuckled as she walked into the living room.

"What can I say, been attracting pussy since way back." Angel laughed, "Can't believe Reaps still alive. Missin' an eye n all."

Daizee smiled and went over to pet the cat. Reaper was given to her as a gift from her brother. He had found it in the scrap yard and was told to get rid of it. Both the Ortega siblings had to beg their parents to keep the poor kitten, and luckily they did. Felipe had taken charge of taking care of the kitten while Daizee was away.

"The toughest of us have a few battle scars." Daizee smiled and kissed Angel's cheek. Angel was frozen in his spot as Daizee headed out of the house and to her bike.

"Yeah, tough." Angel said and scurried up to catch up with Daizee. But much to his anger, her attention was drawn to another man. The other man being his cousin, "KJ."

"Angel, I didn't know Daizee was back." Kevin said and Daizee turned to face Angel.

"Yeah, came back a couple months ago. What you need?"

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