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Daizee stood in the corner of Templo, as Bishop gave the members a run down about what was happening with the Merc mess up and the Heroine pipeline. Angel kept his eyes on the girl and couldn't help but not want her in the room. He wanted to protect her, keep her at an arms length away from all this. And yet here she was, standing in the corner of the room, bandages on her hands from lasts night killing.

"You think this merc fuck-up can blow back on us?" Creep asked the table.

"Potter still thinks he has Galindo by the balls." Bishop spoke, tapping the ash from his cigarette into an ashtray, "Doesn't know about our deal with the LO. Makes no sense for the cartel to off the mercs."

"So best case scenario," Angel said,"this all comes crashing down on Adelita?"

Daizee shifted at the sound of her name falling from his lips. She wasn't stupid, she knew there had been something going between Angel and Adelita before she joined the MC. But, she trusted Angel and she trusted Adelita. Angel had worked so hard to get Daizee back to him, she knew he wasn't going to throw it all away. And, Adelita had become Daizee's friend, an ally. Adelita knew what it was like being a woman in charge, trying to make a change in something.

"It's a possibility." Hank said honestly. His eyes floated over to Daizee who rolled her eyes at Angel getting mad.

"How the fuck they find the kid? Why wasn't someone watching recon?" Angel said, anger dripping in his voice, "Where the hell were the prospects."

"EZ was where I told him to be, and Daizee is the best long range shot we have in this club." Bishop said starring Angel down. Angel could feel Daizee's green eyes burn holes into the back of his head.

"They saved el padrino from taking another bullet, carnan." Coco said, defending his prospect.

"Of course he did." Angel snapped at his friend, "El nino de oro."

"May I remind you, Daizee was there too. It wasn't just your brother," Hank said putting Angel in his place. Angel huffed and played with the rings on his fingers, as Daizee let a satisfied smirk crawl on to her face.

"We're all set with the AZ chapters; Tempe, Tucson, Sahuarita." Taza said, switching topics over to the heroine pipeline.

"Pulling the prison drops?" Daizee asked from the corner.

"Yeah, Yuma's handling."

"And the problem? If it ends up being an internal one?"

"It falls on the charter. They decide how it goes away." Bishop said and Daizee nodded, "Big brother?"

"No clue anything is going on. Like I said, I don't mix business." Daizee said and grabbed on to the sides of her kutte.

Bishop nodded and looked at his table. He waited a second to see if anyone had anything else to say, before picking up the gavel and banging it down. Daizee let all the patch members leave first, before she made her way to the door.

"Nina, wait." Hank said to the female prospect. Daizee hung back and looked at the older gentleman, "Don't let him hurt you. There's something he's hiding, and I don't want you to be drowning in it."

"I won't let myself sink, I'm a sailor after all." Daizee joked and Hank nodded at the girl, "Thank you, padre."

Hank smiled and clapped the girl on the back before dismissing her. Hank had grown to have a deep appreciation for Daizee. She was like the daughter he never had. He looked after her like she was his own, and she seemed to respect that.

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