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The next day, Daizee and EZ got dressed and made their way out of the dorms. The only patches that were there were Riz, of course, and Creeper. The prospects didn't say anything, in hopes that no one had heard them last night.

"Some pussy you got last night EZ, could hear the bitch screaming from here." Creeper joked and Daizee bit her lip and stared at the breakfast plate in front of her.

"Manners, Creeper." Riz scolded him, handing Daizee a cup of coffee, "Girls are not bitches, they're pleasure seekers just like the rest of us." Riz said giving a knowing glance towards Daizee. The female prospect's cheeks heated up, as the rest of the patches came in the door.

"Shit." Bishop said looking at Daizee's bruised face. In the morning light, the black eye and split lip were more noticeable now. "They got you good, even got you on the neck too." Daizee's hand went to her neck to try to cover up whatever mark was left by last night. "What happened?"

"I let them catch me when I was clear of the club. Weren't gonna do paperwork for a stack of misdemeanors." Daizee said.

"Took their pound of flesh." Taza said and Daizee nodded.

"You're a smart kid, Daizee." Bishop said taking a sip from his beer, "Putting yourself on the line for the club, that's commendable. But it was also impulsive and fucking rogue. The kind of shit that will get you killed, and more importantly get one of us killed," Daizee looked down at her lap like a little kid getting scolded, which was impart true at the moment. All the patches were quiet, waiting for Daizee or Bishop's next word. She slowly looked up at everyone and felt the back of her neck turn red.

"Sorry." She whispered.

"If it happens again. . . you're done. And what comes with that will make the CHP beat-down, feel like a day at the spa," Bishop said getting in Daizee's face. The girl's green eyes were stone cold looking into the president's eyes, "Get out of here. Male prospect too."

"Si, senor." Daizee said and left the table.

"How much time they got left?" Bishop asked.

"Boy scout about eight months, girl scout about 10 months." Coco sighed.

"Gotta feeling it's gonna be a very long 10 months with those two."

The two had stepped outside of the clubhouse, when Chucky came pulling up on the lot. He jumped out of the truck, yelling for both of them and ran around the passenger side. Both prospects looked at each other and then hurried over to Chucky. Leti stepped out of the car, with two big gashes, one to her forehead and one to her arm.

"Oh my god," Daizee said going up to the girl.

"She just called me twenty minutes ago." Chucky said as Daizee held the shaking girl in her arms. Daizee cradled Leti in her arms and put her head on her chest. Leti let out soft cries as she was finally in safe arms.

"What happened?" EZ asked looking at the teen girl.

"Celia." Leti cried. Daizee clenched her jaw and held Leti tighter, "She almost killed me."

The door to the clubhouse opened and the two prospects watched as Coco stepped out of the green house and stopped in his tracks, seeing his very beat up daughter. Gilly was right behind him as he made a quick step down the stairs and to his daughter.

"Your mom," Daizee said and Coco looked at the girl prospect.

"Clean her up," Was all Coco said to her as he headed towards his bike. EZ took Leti from Daizee's arms and took her inside the clubhouse.

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