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EZ was gone early the next morning. He knew the drill, it had been going on for several weeks now since Daizee and Angel had officially broken up. The first time it had happened, it was a drunk mistake, they were both upset about losing Adelita to Potter, and Daizee was still upset over losing her baby. But after that, it had become a late night thing. If Daizee was lonely, she would call EZ. If EZ was lonely, he'd call Daizee. Of course he felt guilty keeping a secret that he was screwing his brother's ex fiancé, but at the same time, he didn't feel guilt. Angel had been keeping a whole baby a secret from them, this was totally different.

Daizee had met up with the Reyes boys as they had invited her to breakfast with their pop at the butcher shop. She had beat them both there, like usual and helped Felipe make breakfast and coffee for the two boys. She had missed the mornings where her and Felipe were the only ones awake, and would make breakfast, and pack lunches for Marisol and the boys.

"How are you mija?" Felipe asked the girl.

"I'm doing better. I saw you put a new vase at Saint Maria's." Daizee smiled.

"The old on had a crack in it, didn't help keep the water in it. Besides the color had faded, it needed a revamp." Felipe smiled. He had been one of the only people by Daizee's bedside when her daughter was born. From his family, he was the only one to hold the small baby in his arms. He had sworn that he never wanted to see a small white coffin again. He didn't even know that they could make them that small.

"Thank you, it means a lot that you visit them. I also saw that you cleaned my dad's medal."

"A fallen soldier. Of course I did, it's the best I could do for my dear friend." Felipe responded as his two sons pulled up on their bikes, "Here comes trouble."

"Trouble is already here, and she's sitting next to you." Angel joked and Daizee scoffed, "What are you," Angel scoffed mocking Daizee, "You know damn well that I wasn't the only one who got a drunk and disorderly on my own."

"I told you not to bring the tequila out when I'm sad, and what did you do?" Daizee said looking at Angel who just rolled his eyes. Felipe smiled at the three of them, it was like old times. Like nothing had changed between them, no babies had been lost, no promises broken.

The 4 of them sat around a small table outside of the butcher shop, eating French toast and drinking coffee. EZ was on his phone, Angel was inside looking at books, and Daizee was too invested in the taste of the breakfast food.

"That thing's gonna make you stupid." Felipe said, as he read through the news paper.

"Yeah," EZ said nodding in agreement, "Might be too late."

"Whens the vote?" Felipe said, looking at the two prospects.

"End of the week." Daizee said, looking at the now empty plate in front of her.

"It's your lives, whatever choices you make. . . I am here for you two." Felipe said to them.

"We know Pop." EZ answered, as Angel came busting out of the butcher shop, a piece of French toast in one hand, and a book in another.

"You know all these books smell like cow's blood, right?" Angel said with a mouth full of food.

"You know you're supposed to read them not smell them, right?" Daizee sassed looking up at the eldest Reyes. Angel looked at her and threw the rest of his toast on her plate.

"Blow me." He sassed back.

"When and where?" She responded. EZ spit his coffee out and Felipe just shook his head, as Angel sat down across from Daizee and leaned back in his chair, letting his legs spread open.

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