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Daizee went back to prospecting at full force. She was at Coco's every call and was right there when the club needed her. The guys wanted her to slow down and take her time to heal. She needed to get her mind off of her healing and emotional pain she was still in.

Daizee was yet to talk to her brother or Emily since she shot down the idea of going to see a plastic surgeon in LA. Daizee thought it was just because Miguel felt guilty seeing her burned face. Miguel always seemed to avoid Daizee even more now.

Angel kept a close eye on Daizee, and that included her going over the border with Coco, EZ and himself. Angel had the money from the deal with Cole, to give to Adelita. None of them had really talked on the way there. Every so often, Angel would glance back and see Daizee's soft brown hair blowing in the wind from the window being down.

"Hey," Angel said to Coco, who was sitting in the passenger's seat, "Quit drooling on the fucking money."

Coco was startled from his nap and wiped the drool from the corner of his mouth, "My bad."

"Adelita's picture has got to be everywhere." EZ said, "She stays on the border, it's just a matter of time."

"She won't get caught, she's smarter than. . ." Angel objected

"If she doesn't tell you anything how do you know she's smart?" EZ asked his older brother. Angel rolled his eyes and focused back on the road infront of him.

When the 4 of them arrived at the LO camp, kids were outside kicking a soccer ball around. Angel hopped out of the bronco first, and then went around to open the door for Daizee to help her out. Daizee smiled at Angel and noticed Adelita walking towards them.

"There's your girlfriend." Daizee smirked and she walked away from Angel. Angel watched as she headed over to a group of children and started to play with them. Even though she had begun to work with Adelita, she still didn't want to be apart of whatever Angel was doing with her.

"The money?" Adelita asked Angel, pulling him out of his trance of watching Daizee.

"Yeah. The mercs gave us half now, half when the unload the six keys. We need to talk." Angel said to Adelita, "Alone." Adelita nodded and turned towards the main tent. Angel looked at Coco and EZ before heading inside. Adelita cleared the tent out before speaking to Angel.

"What is it?" She asked Angel, with her back towards him.

"Look, I get it. You got hundreds of lives depending on you. But I'm in this up to my fucking eyeballs, and my own guys and my girl are starting to doubt me. And what we're doing here. . ." Angel said his eyes scanning around the tent, "If you don't trust me by now, Adelita, you never will. And then we're fucked. I need to know everything. Soup and nuts."

"Soup and nuts?" Adelita asked confused.

Angel let out a light laugh,"It's a saying. I need to know the plan. For Galindo, for the heroine. I got in this to protect my MC, I can't do that in the dark."

Adelita took a deep breath and looked down at the ground before speaking, "My real name is Luisa Espina. And there are not hundreds of people depending on me, there are thousands." Angel looked taken back by her revelation. He looked at her confused before she ordered him to sit, "I'll tell you everything,"

Daizee was playing soccer with the kids when EZ had walked over to them. She had excused herself from the kids and went over to him. EZ had told her that Angel went to talk to Adelita. Daizee looked towards the green tent and saw them talking.

"You see Cristo?" Daizee asked.

"No, you?" EZ asked her.

"No." Daizee said as she felt tugging on her jeans. She turned her gaze to see Mini next to her. She bent down and looked at the shy girl, "Si?"

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