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Happy Lowman sat at his dinning room table and stared at the scattered mass of papers in front of him. Names, faces, payment stubs, records, all around him of the various lives he's taken. Two of them were burned into his memory and he couldn't shake it.

He wasn't like this, Happy was a stone cold killer. The club's dirty janitor. There's only been a couple times that he's regretted what he's done, and this just happens to be one of them.

Happy angrily sighed and pushed all the papers off his table. This guilt he had, he hadn't felt it in years. The first time was when a certain green eyed person rolled up to the Sons Of Anarchy clubhouse. Happy had only told one other person about what he did, and that person just happened to be the closest person to her in the club. 

A knock on the door startled the Son out of his guilt train. Happy quickly grabbed his gun and shushed his loudly barking pit bull. Happy quietly made his way to the door and looked through the peep hole. He sighed and put his gun in his belt and covered it with his t-shirt. When he opened the door, the person came in talking a mile a minute. 

"Slow down!" Happy growled, "The hell are you doing here, Daze?"

"I need answers. About my parents. I know you're a hit man for your club, and I-" Daizee started rambling but Happy cut her off. 

"What do you need to know?" 

The Reyes brothers were tired, when they rode out to Vicki's house for breakfast. They had spent the whole night at Angel's apartment talking about the newfound information that EZ had about their mother's murder. It hurt Angel's head to see all of this, having buried the idea that his mother's murder wasn't just a robbery gone wrong. But EZ, the kid would not rest until whoever killed his mother was sought out and found. 

Coco greeted the Reyes boys as the walked through the door. He was keeping his eye out for Daizee, whom he hadn't seen or heard from since last night at Templo. He thought she would ride out with them. But Coco also thought, maybe it was for the best that Daizee wasn't at Vicki's. They had moved Adelita into the house for a while, since the merc situation could blow up at any moment. Coco had his suspicion about Angel and Adelita, and didn't want Daizee to see the way the two interacted. It was past the whole friendship thing. 

"Everything good?" Coco asked, seeing the Reyes' walk in together. 

Angel looked at his younger brother and shrugged, "Yeah, I guess. Where's Gilly?"

"Creep's on a scrap run. Yuma." Coco answered and Angel nodded, looking around the house. 

"She doing okay?" Angel asked, nodding upstairs. 

"Yeah. She's upstairs." Coco said to him, "Where's Daze?" 

"Oh I. . . I don't know. I stayed at my place last night. Maybe with big bro?" Angel asked, before heading up the stairs. Coco glared as the eldest Reyes made his way upstairs to Adelita, burning questions going through his mind. He pulled out his phone again and dialed Daizee's number, getting the same voicemail as before. 

Adelita was putting away the clothes that Daizee had brought. The small onsies, coats, socks, diaper covers. Daizee had thought of it all. Adelita had a pang of guilt in her heart as she thought of the child who never got to wear these. The cute outfits that Daizee probably had planned, all packed away in a box. As Adelita reached into the box for another onsie, a small yellow one caught her eye. A small blue butterfly was stitched into the fabric and the name 'Mariposa' was next to it. On the tag was a hand stitched note.

'For my first grandchild, 

the littlest feet make the biggest footprints on our hearts!

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