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"I can't do it, you can't do it, I won't let you guys do it." Daizee said, leaning against the shop wall of Felipe's shop.

After her meeting with Miguel, Daizee received a call from Potter. He had told her about what was going on with KJ, and what needed to be done. Daizee tried arguing with Potter, saying that killing KJ will only make matters worse. But of course, Potter threatened her with letting out EZ's deal and having her arrested for treason.

Daizee sped into Santo Padre and called EZ to meet her at the butcher shop. Felipe closed the store and gave the prospects the privacy to talk about such a heavy matter.

"I have to. I have to do whatever it takes to keep you and Angel safe. I've already fucked things up enough with him."

"It's not only killing a cop, it's killing your family. I can't let you do that, Ezekiel." Daizee said grabbing the sides of EZ's face. EZ looked into her green eyes and nestled into her soft hands.

"I have to." He said, and she shook her head.

"No, you don't." Daizee pushed past him and out the door.

"Daizee! Wait!" EZ yelled after the girl, "Please don't do something you'll regret." He said stopping her from starting her bike.

"You, Felipe, and Angel are my family. It won't be a regret if I can protect you." Daizee said, and started her bike up. EZ watched as she rode away and he shook his head.

He knew there was no changing that girl's mind. He sighed and walked back into the shop where Felipe stood. Felipe looked at his son in desperation. He hated that EZ had to go through this, this isn't something such a bright, talented man like his son should go through. Felipe came up with a plan and told EZ to not make any moves until he tells him too.

Daizee sat on the steps of her front porch, cigarette in hand, and beer next to her foot. She watched as young kids played in soccer in the streets, and would move briefly for a car to pass. It reminded her of the days she'd spend from dawn to dusk, playing outside with the Reyes boys. She'd come home with dirt covered cheeks, and sand in her hair.

"My god, Daizee Azul Ortega, that's not very lady-like of you!"

"Aye, Miranda, let the child be!"

"You try and control her then Sixto!"

Daizee smiled sadly, as she could hear her parents voices fill her head. The file that Miguel had sent with her, laid next to her on the porch. She glanced down at it, and shook her head. For years, those images of her parents filled her mind. Every time she had gone to bed, showered, been in the dark, those images flooded into her eyes. What made it worse, was the idea that her own blood father had done something to the people who raised her.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Daizee turned to see Angel walking up to her. He sat down next to her on the porch and watched the kids, "Those punks remind me of us, except there's no EZ sitting on the curb screaming that you pushed him."

"In my defense, he got in my way." Daizee laughed.

Angel laughed and shook his head, "You were always so good at soccer. Thought you'd go play in the big leagues. Go win a world cup or 3."

"Nope, just fell in love with a dumbass, and went to war." Daizee said, "Miguel gave me this today." She said picking the file up and handing it to Angel, "Details on the hit put on my parents."

"You read it yet?"

"No, didn't want to read it alone. You remember how fucked up I was after they died."

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