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The new story is up! Go check out 'CHAINS' (EZ Reyes x OC)

Here's the trailer: 

"You've been gone! What was I supposed to do!"  Callie yelled at EZ.

"Not let my brother raise MY son as his own! He's mine, Callie, mine!"

"You weren't here! He maybe your child EZ, but me and Angel are married. He's not your son, you didn't fucking raise him!"

EZ took a quick stride forward and pinned Callie up against the wall, breathing hard. Callie tried not to let fear take over her. She wasn't scared of EZ, well she used to not be. The man who stood in front of her wasn't the same man she fell in love with 9 years ago.

"Say that shit one more time... I fucking dare you."

"What are you gonna do, EZ? Huh? Run back to Emily like you always do?"

EZ punched the wall by Callie's head causing her to jump. EZ grabbed her jaw tightly so she could look him in the eye. His staggering 5'11" frame towered over Callie's 5'3" self.

"You disobeying me?"

"I'm not your fucking play toy anymore. You can't do shit to me" Callie spat. EZ's hand went from her jaw to her throat, squeezing the sides. Callie gasped and felt heat in between her thighs. EZ smirked and shoved his knee between her legs, and moved his head down towards her ear.

"You'll be what I want you to be," EZ growled in her ear. Callie let out a soft moan, just as they both heard the locks on the door turning. They quickly separated,  Callie fixed her shirt as EZ adjusted himself in his now very tight jeans.

"Oh, hey." Angel said as he walked through the door, "Didn't know you were coming over."

"Ezekiel decided that he was gonna serve me with papers." Callie said glaring at EZ.

"Oh... that's bold man." Angel said scratching the back of his neck.

"Well, you don't get to take and keep everything  that's mine." EZ said and glared at Callie.

First two chapters are up!!

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